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Bell Peppers in Tamarind Sauce(Pulikaachal)

In Health Benefits of the vegetable, Veggie Periodic Table Recipe, Veggies On April 19, 2021 0 Comments

Bell pepper health benefits
– low in calories and packed with vitamins
– excellent source of vitamins A,C and potassium
– they contain a healthy dose of fiber, folate & iron
– for toddlers bellpeppers is good for brain development, eye sight, immune development, and a good source of B6; can reduce anemia,

Pigeon peas Soup (Rasam)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On February 17, 2021 0 Comments

Rasam Health benefits
– Tamarind in rasam prevents constipation
– black pepper in rasam facilitates digestion and helps in weightless by revving up metabolism
– powerhouse of nutrients ; an excellent recovery food for patients down with flu or other illness.

Stuffed Bitter Melon(Bhara Karela)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 26, 2020 0 Comments

Bitter Melon’s health benefits
-reduces symptoms of aging and cancer with alpha and betacarotene, lutein and sea xanthin
– reduces the effects of hemorrhoids and reliw=eves indigestion and constipation
– reduces the incidence of neural tube defects in infants being an excellent source of Folates
– may help treat HIV infection

Bitter Melon Sauté

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 28, 2020 0 Comments

Bitter melon is a staple among many cultures in Africa, Asia and Caribbean due to its anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti allergenic, anti viral, anti parasitic and expectorant qualities.