Taro Leaf Fritters (Patra)
Health Benefits of Taro Leaves
Taro Leaf consumption
– acts as an antioxidant to prevent cancer
– Aids in weight loss
– Boosts immune system
– Maintains healthy eyes
– Helps prevent anemia
– Helps control blood pressure
– Helps the development of fetal brain and nervous system
– Helps increase sperm production
– Helps reduce wrinkles in skin
– Reduces Cholesterol levels

Edamame Shufta
Health benefits of Edamame
– edamame helps with weight management with high protein content
– edamame, great source of Folate that can
lower risk of heart disease and stroke
-edamame, promotes growth of hair and nails
-edemame, provides healthy bones with calcium
– edamame, help sleep better with magnesium

Cucumber salad w. Lentils (Kakadi Kosmalli)
Health Benefits of Cucumber
– fewer calories 100g 15 calories; ideal for weight loss diet
– anti aging : rich in vitamins and minerals;
– anti cancer benefits
– has high water content 95% hydrates body; part of skin care-juice used for skin tightening.
– aids digestion:
– relieves constipation, heartburn and ulcers;
– may help treat gastritis.
– Cucumber skin provides natural plant derived inhibitors that can prevent growth in tumor cells.
– keeps kidneys in shape:acts as a diuretic: cucumber is able to promote a much healthier toxin level in the body, by regulating uric acid within the kidneys and function efficiently. Regular intake helps dissolve bladder or kidney stones;
– helps in checking high blood pressure.
– manage diabetes: Diabetics can enjoy cucumber since its GI is 0 that keeps the glucose level in check and contains hormone needed by the pancreatic cells to produce insulin.
– promotes joint health with silica that strengthens connective tissues
-cucumber may help reduce cholesterol:with sterols
– relieves gout and arthritis pain; cucumber mixed with carrot juice can reduce pain by lowering uric acid levels.
– refreshes mouth : beneficial for teeth and gums. cucumber juice refreshes and heals diseased gums; gets rid of bad breath in treating periodontis.
= strengthens hair and nails: Silica the wonder mineral in cucumber makes the hair and nails stronger and shinier.
– Stabilizes blood pressure both high and low : brings relief for patients suffering from blood pressure being high in potassium (147 mg) , magnesium (13mg) and fiber(0.5g) /100g. which contribute to healthy regulation of blood pressure.

Grilled Eggplants ( Baingan Bhartha)
In North India large eggplants are grilled in a Tandoor oven. In this preparation the egg plant is grilled on a stove in direct flame to be charred…. Read More »

Parsnip Bake/ Puree
Parsnip is a good carrot alternative. “Pastinaca sativa” scientific name for parsnip, is a cool biennial crop native to the Mediterranean region. It is a member of the… Read More »

Spicy Mashed Potatoes (for Masala Dosai)
Potato History:ld’s 4th largest food crop. The Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate it around 8000-5000 BC. In 1536 Spanish conquistadors conquered Peru, discovered potato & carried them to Europe. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes to Ireland in 1589 on 40000 acres in Cork. It then spread to other countries. Agriculturists learned that the potato contained most of the vitamins needed for sustenance and could feed 10 people for each acre of land cultivated.

Tomato Chutney
1 medium raw tomato cal 22; carb 7; fiber 1.2
– Anti-oxidant protection
– Lycopene can reduce LDL cholesterol levels; oil or fat promotes lycopene absorption
– Rich in vitamin C & E; provides better skin protection against UV light
– Has significant amounts of potassium, iron and phosphorous
– Reduces levels of heart disease, stroke & cataract
– Suppresses tumor growth stimulation
– Cancer protection: focuses on preventing skin, testes, adrenal and prostate cancer
– counter the effect of smoking cigarettes with coumaric acid & chlorogenic acid that fight against nitrosamines

Red Cabbage Saute (Laal gobi Subzee)
Health Benefits of Red Cabbage
-Low in calories 1 cup chopped red cabbage – 28 calories, 1 g fat, 1 g protein, 2 g fiber
– can nourish with Vitamin A for eye health
– can reduce free radicals and boost immune system with vitamin C
– can prevent breast cancer with Sinigrin and Cyanidin
– can manage weight loss when cooked into soup with fiber content
– can defend against Alzheimers and Dementia with vitamin K

Beetroot Sauté (Thoran)
Health Benefits of Beetroot
– Offer protection against stroke and coronary artery disease
– lower cholesterol levels and possess anti aging effects
– lower blood pressure
-Increased exercise capacity with Nitrates that can enhance performance esp. during high intensity endurance exercise

Beetroot Cutlets
Beets health benefits
– improve immunity being high in vitamin C
– boost athletic performance with nitrates
– contain calcium beneficial for bones & prevent osteoporosis
control blood pressure with potassium
– great for an anticancer diet with antioxidant Betalain that protect cells from damage.