Subzee..ts Potato
Guess Me !?!White, yellow, red or purple skinnedround or oval in shapeloved globally as chips or friescultivated by Incas firstSpread around the world by the Spanish, British &… Read More »

Potato Balls (Malai Kofta)
Malai Kofta is a gourmet dish with a creamy taste, made of potatoes and cottage cheese with nuts stuffed in the center, giving a nutty flavor; adds beauty… Read More »

Stuffed Potatoes (Aalu Dum)
Potato Story: ajah of Kashmir (a descendant of Mughals) wanted to entertain the British Viceroy and the soldiers during their visit with the potatoes they had brought as a gift. His chef invented the stuffed potatoes stuffing them with cottage cheese, dry fruits, and spices that were grown in abundance locally.

Potato Stew (Aalu Rassa)
Potato Health benefits
-1 medium potato with skin provides nearly 1/2 DV of Vitamin C that helps repair tissue wear and tear
– potato rich in potassium concentrated just beneath the skin
– potato also contains minerals iron, phosphorous and zinc , good for the skin
– potato provides relief from rheumatism with calcium and magnesium

Potatoes n Peas Subzee (Paav Bhaji)
Health Benefits of Potatoes
– 1 medium potato 110 calories
-contains resistant starch
– more potassium (K) than a banana
– half DV of Vitamin C
– a good source of fiber, magnesium and antioxidants

Roast Potatoes (Aalu Subzee)
Baked Potato Health benefits
– provides 6.28 g of protein & 6.3 g fiber
– more nutrient dense than a boiled one
– contains 40% more Phosphorous(P) and potassium(K)
– gas 4 times the amount of Folate than a boiled potato to benefit pregnant women

Potatoes n Tomato Gravy (Aalu Shaak)
Potato Health Benefits
– 100g potato contains 17g Vitamin C
– potato helps strengthen bones due to the presence of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc
-potato regulates blood pressure, reduces inflammation,
– potato promotes sleep with L- Tryptophan and help calm down the nerves
– potato has heart healing properties with anti oxidant Anthocyanin
– potato has the ability to improve brain health with alphalipoleic acid

Mashed Potatoes (Podimaas)
Masala Dosai Story : During the 9 Day Navrathri festival in Mysore, the maharajah follows the palanquin of the deity in procession and gives a feast to the public. He asked his chef to substitute rice with a sumptuous snack. Dosas were popular but needed stuffing for a fulfilling meal. So potatoes were embellished with sambhar spices and used as stuffing to make masala for the dosa (crepe), which was again smeared with a chili paste prior to the potato stuffing to make it spicier. Thus was born the Aalu masala for the Mysore Masala Dosa.

Spicy Mashed Potatoes (for Masala Dosai)
Potato History:ld’s 4th largest food crop. The Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate it around 8000-5000 BC. In 1536 Spanish conquistadors conquered Peru, discovered potato & carried them to Europe. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes to Ireland in 1589 on 40000 acres in Cork. It then spread to other countries. Agriculturists learned that the potato contained most of the vitamins needed for sustenance and could feed 10 people for each acre of land cultivated.