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Subzee..ts Plantain thought of the day

In Guess me -Quiz, Health Benefits of the vegetable, Vegan, Veggie Thought of the day, Veggies On October 31, 2020 0 Comments

Guess Me !?!I am not a factory plantnor am I a facilityMy sibling is the bananaI am a hybrid in the genus PlantagoA good source of carbohydratesMy stems… Read More »


SUBZEE…T : Plantain Thought for the day

In Health Benefits of the vegetable, Veggie Thought of the day On July 4, 2020 0 Comments

Guess Me!?! Plant me not as a seed but by my stem for propagation I have a tender green trunk I grow from a whole big red pod… Read More »

Plantain Stew ( Nendrankai Vattan)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On June 3, 2020 0 Comments

Plantains ensure food security
– provide 10% of calories and carbs from resistant starch that can boost energy during marathon runs
-aid bone strengthening
– boost immunity
– reduce constipation
– play a vital role in vision maintenance
-play a beneficial role in treatment of neuritis, anemia and decrease homocysteine levels that cause stroke