Tagged:  Paav Bhaji

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Cauliflower on bread rolls (Paav Bhaji)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 16, 2020 Comments Off on Cauliflower on bread rolls (Paav Bhaji)

Health Benefits od Cauliflower
– prevents chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s and diabetes with phytochemical;s carotenoids , vitamin E & C
– prevents prostate and ovarian cancer with Glucosinolates that help by slowing the growth of mutated cancer cells

Potatoes n Peas Subzee (Paav Bhaji)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On August 29, 2020 0 Comments

Health Benefits of Potatoes
– 1 medium potato 110 calories
-contains resistant starch
– more potassium (K) than a banana
– half DV of Vitamin C
– a good source of fiber, magnesium and antioxidants