Subzee..ts Okra
GUESS ME?Like a pointed cone am Iwith ridges on my sidesmy seeds are so softlike notes on a pianoWho am I?????Health Benefitsrich source of mucilagehelp in smooth peristalsisgood… Read More »

Okra Sauté ( Bhindi Subzee)
Health Benefits of Okra
-100g okra has cal 30; carb.5.8g;: fiber4.0g.Folate 15% DV& Vitamin A 14% DV;
-has the ability to lower total cholesterol levels;
-improves digestion with Mucilagenous fiber by adding bulk;
-protects eyes against Macular degeneration and cataracts;
-promotes quicker healing, reduces wrinkle formation, scars & acne;
-prevents certain type of cancers;
-lowers blood pressure and protect heart health;
-strengthens bones and boosts the immune system;
-recommended as part of a weight loss program;
-can stabilize blood sugar levels; research in okra’s potential to manage diabetes is ongoing.

Stuffed Okra (Bhara Bhendi)
Okra, known scientifically as “Abelmoschus esculentus or hibiscus esculentus” derived its name from the Niger – Congo region in Africa. It is a member of the mallow family related to cotton, hibiscus and hollyhock. It originated in Ethiopia, and cultivated by ancient Egyptians by 12th century. Its cultivation spread to North Africa and Middle East. Okra came to the Caribbean in the 1700s probably brought by slaves from West Africa.and Introduced to Western Europe soon after. In Louisiana the creoles learned from the slaves the use of okra to thicken soups and it is now essential in the stew “Creole Gumbo” .

GUESS MY NAME GAME Yellow or white kernels like teeth Enclosed with silky hair in a sheath For a gluten free and fibrous meal I can regulate blood… Read More »