Green Banana Sauté (Vazhaikai Upperi)
Health Benefits of Green Banana
– fiber rich 100g has 2.6 g ;
– fiber helps with weight loss as it induces feeling of satiety & fullness
– resistant starch present in it does not get digested thus keeping cholesterol levels in check
– good for heart being rich in potassium(1cup cooked banana has 531mg) potassium that acts as a vasodilator and plays a role in kidney function
– excellent source of vitamins
– control diabetes with Vitamin B6 present in high levels, low sugar content & (GI 30) that gets digested, absorbed and metabolized slowly

Bell Peppers in Tamarind Sauce(Pulikaachal)
Bell pepper health benefits
– low in calories and packed with vitamins
– excellent source of vitamins A,C and potassium
– they contain a healthy dose of fiber, folate & iron
– for toddlers bellpeppers is good for brain development, eye sight, immune development, and a good source of B6; can reduce anemia,

Spinach Lentil Soup (Keerai Molagootal/ Dal Palak)
Vitamins in Spinach
Iron: Spinach contains iron which helps regulate red blood cell production and prevents anemia and hair loss
Kaempferol: Spinach is high in antioxidant Kaempferol which lowers the risk of developing cancer and chronic disease.
Magnesium: Magnesium aids in protein synthesis, and regulates neural activity, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and maintains nerve function.
Nitrates: Spinach promotes good heart health with its high nitrate content.
Potassium: 558 mg potassium / 100 g spinach compared to banana 358 mg 16% of RDA. Potassium helps preserve bone mineral density and retain muscle mass. It helps prevent the formation of kidney stones and control heart rate and blood pressure.
Proteins: 2.9 g protein per 100 g of spinach that is easily broken down by enzymes into amino acids which are vital for working out in the gym.
Vitamin K: 100 g contains 604% of RDA; vitamin K is vital for health since it strengthens bones and stimulates orthotropic activity. It also improves calcium absorption and may reduce calcium excretion in the urine.
Nutrition 100g raw spinach provides cal 23; carb 3.6g; fiber 2.2g.100g of spinach has more iron (3.57mg) than a hamburger patty (2.49mg)

Jicama Sauté (Thoran)
Jicama health benefits
– has anti cancer potential with dietary fiber esp. colon cancer
– aids weightless being low in calories
-boosts the immune system with vitamin C
-helps diabetics by increasing insulin sensitivity
– manages blood pressure with potassium
– improves brain function with B6 improving cognitive abilities

Green Tomato Gazpacho (Hara Tamatar Rassa)
Health Benefits of Green Tomato
-Beta carotene for eye health
-Vitamin C for strong immune function
– Water for hydration
-Vitamin K for blood clotting

Broccoli n Lentils(Broccoli Paruppu Usili)
Broccoli Health benefits
– boosts immunity with antioxidants like Beta carotene, choline, copper and phosphorous
– improves bone and teeth health being rich in Calcium, Magnesium and zinc.
– maintains ocular health with carotenoids by protecting eye against
cataracts and macular D

Cabbage Sauté (Cabbage Thoran)
Cabbage Health benefits
– acts as a vast dilator with potassium for maintaining normal blood pressure
-rich source of vitamin C than oranges thus aiding proper functioning of the nervous system and speeds up healing of wounds & damaged tissues
-improves bone health with minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium
– reduces free radicals to prevent premature aging and depression
– boosts the immune system

Okra Sauté ( Bhindi Subzee)
Health Benefits of Okra
-100g okra has cal 30; carb.5.8g;: fiber4.0g.Folate 15% DV& Vitamin A 14% DV;
-has the ability to lower total cholesterol levels;
-improves digestion with Mucilagenous fiber by adding bulk;
-protects eyes against Macular degeneration and cataracts;
-promotes quicker healing, reduces wrinkle formation, scars & acne;
-prevents certain type of cancers;
-lowers blood pressure and protect heart health;
-strengthens bones and boosts the immune system;
-recommended as part of a weight loss program;
-can stabilize blood sugar levels; research in okra’s potential to manage diabetes is ongoing.

Bitter Melon Sauté
Bitter melon is a staple among many cultures in Africa, Asia and Caribbean due to its anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti allergenic, anti viral, anti parasitic and expectorant qualities.