Subzee..ts Okra
GUESS ME?Like a pointed cone am Iwith ridges on my sidesmy seeds are so softlike notes on a pianoWho am I?????Health Benefitsrich source of mucilagehelp in smooth peristalsisgood… Read More »

Stuffed Mushrooms(Bhara Chatrak)
Health Benefits of mushroom
-raw mushroom 100 g. cal 22; carb 3.26; fiber 1.0
– Aids in losing weight
– Boosts immune system
– Reduces blood pressure
– Strengthens bones and teeth
– Stimulates the absorption of iron
– Helps lower cholesterol levels
– Protects diabetics from infections

Stuffed Bitter Melon(Bhara Karela)
Bitter Melon’s health benefits
-reduces symptoms of aging and cancer with alpha and betacarotene, lutein and sea xanthin
– reduces the effects of hemorrhoids and reliw=eves indigestion and constipation
– reduces the incidence of neural tube defects in infants being an excellent source of Folates
– may help treat HIV infection

Stufffed Bell Peppers(Bhara Simla Mirchi)
Bell Pepper burns more calories: Recent research indicates that red peppers activate thermogenesis and increase metabolic rate without increasing heart rate and blood pressure like hot peppers.