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Subzee..ts Bittermelon

In Guess me -Quiz, Health Benefits of the vegetable, Juices, SUBZEETS, Veggie Thought for the Day On January 27, 2022 0 Comments

Guess Me !?!Green with a knobby skinwhite or red seeds inside the fleshbitter am I to taste, though a melon/gourddisliked by many, but sweet for your healthWho am… Read More »

Green banana bunch (koala)

Green Banana Sauté (Vazhaikai Upperi)

In Health Benefits of the vegetable, Veggie Periodic Table Recipe, Veggies On April 19, 2021 0 Comments

Health Benefits of Green Banana
– fiber rich 100g has 2.6 g ;
– fiber helps with weight loss as it induces feeling of satiety & fullness
– resistant starch present in it does not get digested thus keeping cholesterol levels in check
– good for heart being rich in potassium(1cup cooked banana has 531mg) potassium that acts as a vasodilator and plays a role in kidney function
– excellent source of vitamins
– control diabetes with Vitamin B6 present in high levels, low sugar content & (GI 30) that gets digested, absorbed and metabolized slowly

Tomato Korma (Tamatar Korma)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 26, 2020 0 Comments

Tomatoes health benefits
– prevent urinary tract infections and gallstone formation
– reduce hyper tension with potassium
– help manage diabetes reducing oxidative stress
– help improve vision

Stuffed Bitter Melon(Bhara Karela)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 26, 2020 0 Comments

Bitter Melon’s health benefits
-reduces symptoms of aging and cancer with alpha and betacarotene, lutein and sea xanthin
– reduces the effects of hemorrhoids and reliw=eves indigestion and constipation
– reduces the incidence of neural tube defects in infants being an excellent source of Folates
– may help treat HIV infection

Curry Leaf Powder

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On November 27, 2020 0 Comments

Curry leaves can grow
-to become your fence
-boost hair growth
-lower cholesterol
-offer gastro intestinal protection
-reduce oxidative stress
-control blood glucose levels
with anti hyperglycemic properties
-prevent cataracts and vision loss
-may fight cancer with phenols

Sweet Potato Stew (Chakaravalli)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 20, 2020 0 Comments

sweet potatoes help manage diabetes with low GI (40)
– good for digestion and hydration
– help protect, prevent and manage cancer with Beta carotene and Anthocyanins
-possess anti microbial properties used in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections.
– help prevent vitamin A deficiency
– help prevent anti inflammatory activity with choline
– can help boost blood pressure and fertility
– help minimize risk of cardio vascular diseases