Subzee..ts Plantain thought of the day
Guess Me !?!I am not a factory plantnor am I a facilityMy sibling is the bananaI am a hybrid in the genus PlantagoA good source of carbohydratesMy stems… Read More »

Kale Chips (Baked)
1 cup of cooked kale has
– 42 calories,
– 106g of water,
– 1.6g of fat
– 7g of fiber 19%DV
– 5g of protein 14%DV
– 3440 IU vitamin A 69% DV
– 21mg vitamin C 35% DV
– 8 mcg of vitamin K 617%DV
-177mg of Calcium 18% DV
-30 mg of Magnesium 8% DV
-170mg of potassium 4% DV

Tapioca Chips
free of common allergens, nut free
am gluten free and used as a grain substitute
source of vegetable protein for muscle development
can boost energy and increase satiety
enrich red blood cells to keep anemia at bay
keep digestion in check with fiber
aid bone and mineral density with calcium and iron
Eliminate transfats and sodium
prevent Alzheimers with vitamin K
Reduce birth defects with folates
regulate blood pressure with potassium
support weight gain with high carb. content