Cauliflower Fritters (Gobi Pakoras)
Health benefits of cauliflower
– prevents stroke with the compound Allicin
– aids in cleansing the liver and the blood
– helps prevent colon cancer and heal colitis in the colon tissues

Nine gems Korma (Navratan Korma)
Health benefits of cauliflower
– improves brain health since it contains choline and Phosphorous
-potassium & vitamin B6 play an important role in brain health maintenance & proper nerve communication
– controls diabetes with potassium that helps in regulating glucose metabolism
– vitamin B6 present in it is effective in enhancing the tolerance of glucose in patients with gestational diabetes

Cauliflower Manchurian (Gobi Manchurian)
Cauliflower health benefit
– helps prevent bone loss in men and women with Vitamin C & K
– protects from skin cancer Sulforaphane present is effective against damage caused by ultraviolet reaction
-defends the body against inflammation
-promotes hair growth with the presence of sulfur and silicon

Cauliflower Parathas (Phool Gobi Parathas)
Cauliflower health benefits
– detoxifies the body due to the presence of indole 3 carbonyl a phytonutrient
-Sulforaphane in it protects the retinal tissues from damage caused by oxidative stress

Riced Cauliflower Pizza (Phoolgobi Pizza)
Mark Twain said “cauliflower is a cabbage with a college education”.
Health benefits of cauliflower
– may help prevent cancer with its chemo preventive and anti-estrogen effects.
– may prevent stomach disorders by aiding digestion and elimination of toxins from the body

Cauliflower Pot Pie (Phool gobi Dum)
Cauliflower health benefits
– maintains electrolyte balance with potassium
-reduces hyper tension and oxidative stress with Glucoraphanin and Sulforaphane
– fiber and omega 3 fatty acids present in it can prevent hardening of the arteries

Cauliflower on bread rolls (Paav Bhaji)
Health Benefits od Cauliflower
– prevents chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s and diabetes with phytochemical;s carotenoids , vitamin E & C
– prevents prostate and ovarian cancer with Glucosinolates that help by slowing the growth of mutated cancer cells

Cauliflower Sauté (Phool Gobi Dulna)
Cauliflower according to Mark Twain is a cabbage with college education.
– high in fiber 1 cup has 3g fiber 10% RDA
– low carb and can be used to substitute carbs
– protects from risk of cancer being a good source of Carotenoid and Flavonoid anti oxidants

Cauliflower Tandoor (Phool Gobi Tandoor)
calories 14 — carb 2.5 — fiber 1.7
loaded with B vitamins like Niacin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid and Thiamine
anti inflammatory with omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin K to prevent arthritis
high amounts of antioxidants to help prevent heart disease, cancer and stroke
provides a good amount of folate (B9) for a healthy pregnancy
contains Allicin found to reduce occurence of stroke and heart disease
great source of dietary fiber essential for optimal digestion
contains glucoraphin that protects from ulcers and cancer
weight loss enabler- grating or mashing like potatoes