Tagged:  Ashgourd

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Ash Gourd Petha (in sugar syrup)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On September 19, 2021 0 Comments

Health Benefits of Ashgourd
– recommended for weight loss
– improves digestion(95% water)
– Increases energy levels
– treats ulcers naturally
– improves lung health
– regulates excretory system
– provides a cooling effect
– contains anti coagulant properties
helps fight mental illness
– complements Keto diet being non starchy
– combats skin infections
– promotes hair growth and tackles dandruff

Chayote Squash in Buttermilk sauce(More kootan)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On June 20, 2020 0 Comments

” Kaalan ” a buttermilk based dish was made as a gourmet dish with sooran (chenai) at festivals in Kerala, which had a longer shelf life. It took 2 hours of cooking the yam until soft and pulpy and then buttermilk added in stages, until all of it evaporated and formed a fleshy mass. Kaalan was stored in a mud pot, eaten as a delicacy for almost a month after the feast.