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Bell Peppers in Tamarind Sauce(Pulikaachal)

In Health Benefits of the vegetable, Veggie Periodic Table Recipe, Veggies On April 19, 2021 0 Comments

Bell pepper health benefits
– low in calories and packed with vitamins
– excellent source of vitamins A,C and potassium
– they contain a healthy dose of fiber, folate & iron
– for toddlers bellpeppers is good for brain development, eye sight, immune development, and a good source of B6; can reduce anemia,

Broccoli n Lentils(Broccoli Paruppu Usili)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 2, 2020 0 Comments

Broccoli Health benefits
– boosts immunity with antioxidants like Beta carotene, choline, copper and phosphorous
– improves bone and teeth health being rich in Calcium, Magnesium and zinc.
– maintains ocular health with carotenoids by protecting eye against
cataracts and macular D

Curry Leaf Powder

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On November 27, 2020 0 Comments

Curry leaves can grow
-to become your fence
-boost hair growth
-lower cholesterol
-offer gastro intestinal protection
-reduce oxidative stress
-control blood glucose levels
with anti hyperglycemic properties
-prevent cataracts and vision loss
-may fight cancer with phenols