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Home » Posts tagged "anti cancer"

Tomato Soup (Tamatar Shorba)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 26, 2020 0 Comments

Tomatoes Health Benefits
– possess anti cancer potential with Lycopene
– counter the effect of smoking cigarettes with coumaric acid & chlorogenic acid that fight against nitrosamines
– anti oxidant agent highly effective in scavenging free radicals
– aids digestion with fiber
– rich source of vitamins and minerals
-improve vision with vitamin A

Stufffed Bell Peppers(Bhara Simla Mirchi)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On June 5, 2020 0 Comments

Bell Pepper burns more calories: Recent research indicates that red peppers activate thermogenesis and increase metabolic rate without increasing heart rate and blood pressure like hot peppers.

Turnip Rassa (Shaljam Rassa)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 3, 2020 0 Comments

fiber 10% ;vitamin C 42%; potassium 10%; manganese 9%
Turnip Health Benefits
– help to improve eyesight
– speed up metabolic function
– boost your immune system
– can prevent onset of type 2 diabetes
– prevent blood clotting and pemature aging
– have phytochemicals that combat carcinogens
and stall the development of malignant cancer cells
– eating turnip regularly can reduce the risk of cancer
and curb growth of breast, rectal and colon cancer