Category:  4. Legumes

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Urad Beans

In 4. Legumes, Veggie Periodic Table Families On April 24, 2020 0 Comments

Symbol: Ub Scientific Name: Vigna Mungo Calories: 341 GI: 43 GL: 8 Image1: Image2:

Garbanzo Beans

In 4. Legumes, Veggie Periodic Table Families On April 24, 2020 0 Comments

Garbanzo Beans / Chick peas health benefits
– cancer prevention
– digestive health
– energy booster
– Immune booster
– lowers cholesterol
– Muscle builder
– Nervous system health
– regulates blood sugar
– skin protection
– weight management & satiety

Kidney Beans

In 4. Legumes, Veggie Periodic Table Families On April 24, 2020 0 Comments

Symbol: Kb Scientific Name: Phaseolus Vulgaris Calories: 125 GI: 24 GL: 9 Image1: Image2:

Pigeon Peas

In 4. Legumes, Veggie Periodic Table Families On April 24, 2020 0 Comments

Pigeon Peas
– Aid immunity
– assist in growth
– Prevent anemia
– boost energy
– help in weight loss
– maintain blood pressure
– maintain a healthy heart
– have anti inflammatory properties to treat hemorrhoids

Blackeyed Peas

In 4. Legumes, Veggie Periodic Table Families On April 24, 2020 0 Comments

Black eyed peas
– weight loss wonders
– help combat anemia:
– provide protein power:
– help decrease pancreatic cancer risk:
– keep your bones strong and nervous system healthy:
– keep diabetics on an even keel
– regulate blood pressure:
– reduce indigestion & strengthen eye tissue.

Mung Beans

In 4. Legumes, Veggie Periodic Table Families On April 24, 2020 0 Comments

Sprouted Mung bean consumption produces a calming (satvic) effect on the mind.
X – mung beans has anti cancer effects
X – manage cholesterol levels
X- obesity fighter with fiber content
X- prevents premature aging
X- regulates blood sugar levels