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Cauliflower on bread rolls (Paav Bhaji)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 16, 2020 Comments Off on Cauliflower on bread rolls (Paav Bhaji)

Health Benefits od Cauliflower
– prevents chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s and diabetes with phytochemical;s carotenoids , vitamin E & C
– prevents prostate and ovarian cancer with Glucosinolates that help by slowing the growth of mutated cancer cells

Brussels Sprouts Sauté (Kalakose Thoran)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 9, 2020 0 Comments

Brussels sprouts health benefits
-improve bone health
-help to manage diabetes
-can increase metabolism
– can aid in weightless efforts
– caution consult doctor if taking blood thinners (Coumadin or Warfarin)

Brussels sprouts w. lentils n Tamarind sauce (Kalakose Sambhar)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 9, 2020 0 Comments

Brussels sprouts health benefits
– can boost the immune system
– may reduce inflammation
– can reduce risk of cataracts
– have the ability to fight cancer with chlorophyll
– can help with blood clotting
caution : if taking blood thinners consult a doctor )

Broccoli n Lentils(Broccoli Paruppu Usili)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On December 2, 2020 0 Comments

Broccoli Health benefits
– boosts immunity with antioxidants like Beta carotene, choline, copper and phosphorous
– improves bone and teeth health being rich in Calcium, Magnesium and zinc.
– maintains ocular health with carotenoids by protecting eye against
cataracts and macular D

Cabbage Sauté (Cabbage Thoran)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On November 30, 2020 Comments Off on Cabbage Sauté (Cabbage Thoran)

Cabbage Health benefits
– acts as a vast dilator with potassium for maintaining normal blood pressure
-rich source of vitamin C than oranges thus aiding proper functioning of the nervous system and speeds up healing of wounds & damaged tissues
-improves bone health with minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium
– reduces free radicals to prevent premature aging and depression
– boosts the immune system

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Bhara Gobi)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On November 30, 2020 0 Comments

Health benefits of cabbage
– best anti oxidant that reduces free radicals to reduce premature aging and depression
– immune system booster
– improves digestive health with fiber
– detoxifier with sulphur and vitamin C that purify and remove toxins like free radicals, uric acid

Curry Leaf Powder

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On November 27, 2020 0 Comments

Curry leaves can grow
-to become your fence
-boost hair growth
-lower cholesterol
-offer gastro intestinal protection
-reduce oxidative stress
-control blood glucose levels
with anti hyperglycemic properties
-prevent cataracts and vision loss
-may fight cancer with phenols

Cabbage n Coconut milk(Gobi curry)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On November 6, 2020 0 Comments

Cabbage Health Benefits
– Very low in calories
– protects the brain from damage with Vitamin K
– Helps with weightless with lots of fiber
– Bone health protects from degradation with minerals Calcium, potassium and magnesium
– Cancer prevention with anti-cancer compounds like Lupeol & Sinigrin

Cabbage n Peas Sauté(Gobi Matar Subzee)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On November 4, 2020 0 Comments

Cabbage Health Benefits
– Cancer prevention with anti cancer compounds that inhibit tumor growth in Breast & prostate
– Weightless being low in calories and packed with fiber and vitamins is most effective
-improves digestive health with fiber

Cauliflower Korma (Phool Gobi Korma)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On October 16, 2020 0 Comments

Cauliflower a cruciferous vegetable
– lower cancer risk with Phytonutrients, Betacarotene, Cinnamic acid. Kempferol etc.
– prevents obesity with Indole
-Boosts immune system with antioxidants and Vitamin C