Tomato Yogurt Salad (Tamatar Dahi Raita)
Tomato health benefits:
Lycopene: an antioxidant with many beneficial health effects.
Beta Carotene: An antioxidant that gives foods a yellow or orange color; beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body.
Naringenin: a flavonoid found in tomato skin, shown to decrease inflammation and protect against many diseases.
Chlorogenic acid: a powerful antioxidant that may lower blood pressure

Tomato Aspic Salad (Tamatar Kachumber)
Tomato Health Benefits
-Lycopene and Beta carotene present help lower LDL cholesterol and decrease the risk of blood clotting
-skin health tomato paste with 16mg of lycopene with olive oil consumed for 10 weeks reduces sunburn by 40%

Green Tomato Gazpacho (Hara Tamatar Rassa)
Health Benefits of Green Tomato
-Beta carotene for eye health
-Vitamin C for strong immune function
– Water for hydration
-Vitamin K for blood clotting

Stuffed Bitter Melon(Bhara Karela)
Bitter Melon’s health benefits
-reduces symptoms of aging and cancer with alpha and betacarotene, lutein and sea xanthin
– reduces the effects of hemorrhoids and reliw=eves indigestion and constipation
– reduces the incidence of neural tube defects in infants being an excellent source of Folates
– may help treat HIV infection

Cauliflower Fritters (Gobi Pakoras)
Health benefits of cauliflower
– prevents stroke with the compound Allicin
– aids in cleansing the liver and the blood
– helps prevent colon cancer and heal colitis in the colon tissues

Nine gems Korma (Navratan Korma)
Health benefits of cauliflower
– improves brain health since it contains choline and Phosphorous
-potassium & vitamin B6 play an important role in brain health maintenance & proper nerve communication
– controls diabetes with potassium that helps in regulating glucose metabolism
– vitamin B6 present in it is effective in enhancing the tolerance of glucose in patients with gestational diabetes

Cauliflower Manchurian (Gobi Manchurian)
Cauliflower health benefit
– helps prevent bone loss in men and women with Vitamin C & K
– protects from skin cancer Sulforaphane present is effective against damage caused by ultraviolet reaction
-defends the body against inflammation
-promotes hair growth with the presence of sulfur and silicon

Cauliflower Parathas (Phool Gobi Parathas)
Cauliflower health benefits
– detoxifies the body due to the presence of indole 3 carbonyl a phytonutrient
-Sulforaphane in it protects the retinal tissues from damage caused by oxidative stress

Riced Cauliflower Pizza (Phoolgobi Pizza)
Mark Twain said “cauliflower is a cabbage with a college education”.
Health benefits of cauliflower
– may help prevent cancer with its chemo preventive and anti-estrogen effects.
– may prevent stomach disorders by aiding digestion and elimination of toxins from the body

Cauliflower Pot Pie (Phool gobi Dum)
Cauliflower health benefits
– maintains electrolyte balance with potassium
-reduces hyper tension and oxidative stress with Glucoraphanin and Sulforaphane
– fiber and omega 3 fatty acids present in it can prevent hardening of the arteries