Category:  Health Benefits of the vegetable

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Stuffed Mushrooms(Bhara Chatrak)

In Health Benefits of the vegetable, Veggie Periodic Table Recipe, Veggies On January 2, 2021 0 Comments

Health Benefits of mushroom
-raw mushroom 100 g. cal 22; carb 3.26; fiber 1.0
– Aids in losing weight
– Boosts immune system
– Reduces blood pressure
– Strengthens bones and teeth
– Stimulates the absorption of iron
– Helps lower cholesterol levels
– Protects diabetics from infections

Mushroom Macaroni Soup (Chatrak Sev Shorba)

In Health Benefits of Spices, Health Benefits of the vegetable, Veggie Periodic Table Recipe, Veggies On January 2, 2021 0 Comments

Health Benefits of Mushroom
– Protects diabetics from infections
– Prevents osteoporosis and joint pain
– Lowers risk of breast & prostate cancer


Subzee..ts Plantain thought of the day

In Guess me -Quiz, Health Benefits of the vegetable, Vegan, Veggie Thought of the day, Veggies On October 31, 2020 0 Comments

Guess Me !?!I am not a factory plantnor am I a facilityMy sibling is the bananaI am a hybrid in the genus PlantagoA good source of carbohydratesMy stems… Read More »


SUBZEE…T : Plantain Thought for the day

In Health Benefits of the vegetable, Veggie Thought of the day On July 4, 2020 0 Comments

Guess Me!?! Plant me not as a seed but by my stem for propagation I have a tender green trunk I grow from a whole big red pod… Read More »

Mushroom n Peas Sauté (Chatrak Matar Subzee)

In Health Benefits of the vegetable, Veggie Periodic Table Recipe, Veggies On May 29, 2020 0 Comments

mushrooms aid in weight loss
mushrooms boost immune system
mushrooms lower risk of breast and prostate cancer
mushrooms help lower cholesterol levels
mushrooms prevent osteoporosis and joint pain
mushrooms protect diabetics from infection
mushrooms strengthen bones and teeth
mushrooms stimulate absorption of iron,reduce blood pressure

SUBZEE…TS : Fenugreek Thought for the day

In Guess me -Quiz, Health Benefits of the vegetable, Vegan, Veggie Thought of the day, Veggies On August 21, 2019 0 Comments

FENUGREEK (Methi) Fan you I cannot but Fen – u is part of my name Latin I’m not – Greek I am fruit I’m not – leaf I… Read More »