Cauliflower Sauté (Phool Gobi Dulna)
Cauliflower according to Mark Twain is a cabbage with college education.
– high in fiber 1 cup has 3g fiber 10% RDA
– low carb and can be used to substitute carbs
– protects from risk of cancer being a good source of Carotenoid and Flavonoid anti oxidants

Eggplant Sauté (Katharikai Porial)
Eggplant Health Benefits
– great source of vitamins C, K , B6, Thiamine, Niacin and Folic acid
-good source of minerals magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorous and potassium
-improves bone health with iron and calcium and unique color compounds that increase bone density
-prevents cancer with the natural antioxidant manganese in high quantities, which protects the organs
-increases brain function with phytonutrients
– prevents anemia with high iron content
-improves heart health with fiber that reduces cholesterol by binding with bile that gets excreted

Ridge Gourd Sauté/ Chutney
Ridge gourd is a bottle-shaped dark green vegetable with ridges on the outside and a spongy white pulp with soft seeds inside. Two varieties of smooth and ridged… Read More »

Okra Sauté ( Bhindi Subzee)
Health Benefits of Okra
-100g okra has cal 30; carb.5.8g;: fiber4.0g.Folate 15% DV& Vitamin A 14% DV;
-has the ability to lower total cholesterol levels;
-improves digestion with Mucilagenous fiber by adding bulk;
-protects eyes against Macular degeneration and cataracts;
-promotes quicker healing, reduces wrinkle formation, scars & acne;
-prevents certain type of cancers;
-lowers blood pressure and protect heart health;
-strengthens bones and boosts the immune system;
-recommended as part of a weight loss program;
-can stabilize blood sugar levels; research in okra’s potential to manage diabetes is ongoing.

Potato Balls (Malai Kofta)
Malai Kofta is a gourmet dish with a creamy taste, made of potatoes and cottage cheese with nuts stuffed in the center, giving a nutty flavor; adds beauty… Read More »

Stuffed Potatoes (Aalu Dum)
Potato Story: ajah of Kashmir (a descendant of Mughals) wanted to entertain the British Viceroy and the soldiers during their visit with the potatoes they had brought as a gift. His chef invented the stuffed potatoes stuffing them with cottage cheese, dry fruits, and spices that were grown in abundance locally.

Potato Stew (Aalu Rassa)
Potato Health benefits
-1 medium potato with skin provides nearly 1/2 DV of Vitamin C that helps repair tissue wear and tear
– potato rich in potassium concentrated just beneath the skin
– potato also contains minerals iron, phosphorous and zinc , good for the skin
– potato provides relief from rheumatism with calcium and magnesium

Potatoes n Peas Subzee (Paav Bhaji)
Health Benefits of Potatoes
– 1 medium potato 110 calories
-contains resistant starch
– more potassium (K) than a banana
– half DV of Vitamin C
– a good source of fiber, magnesium and antioxidants

Roast Potatoes (Aalu Subzee)
Baked Potato Health benefits
– provides 6.28 g of protein & 6.3 g fiber
– more nutrient dense than a boiled one
– contains 40% more Phosphorous(P) and potassium(K)
– gas 4 times the amount of Folate than a boiled potato to benefit pregnant women

Fenugreek Leaves Bread (Methi Parathas)
Fenugreek health benefits
– contains Galactomann, a fiber that is able to slow down the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the blood stream
– has the amino acid which induces the production of insulin
– helps reduce blood cholesterol levels