Bell Peppers in Tamarind Sauce(Pulikaachal)
Bell pepper health benefits
– low in calories and packed with vitamins
– excellent source of vitamins A,C and potassium
– they contain a healthy dose of fiber, folate & iron
– for toddlers bellpeppers is good for brain development, eye sight, immune development, and a good source of B6; can reduce anemia,

Baby zucchini & baby corn w.Gravy (Chota zucchini & butta Rassa)
Baby Zucchini & Baby Corn Health Benefits
– Zucchini is easily digestible due to its water and fiber content
– Zucchini contains vitamins and minerals; vitamin C that helps the immune system
– Baby corn low in calories, rich in Fiber,nutrient dense ; stimulates digestion; supports weight loss
– Baby corn is promotes growth being rich in Thiamin and Niacin

Chayote Squash Kootu
Chayote Squash Health Benefits
– aids cholesterol control and weight reduction
– helps with cancer prevention with flavonoids which scavenge harmful free radicals
– Good source of Complex vitamins , minerals and Folate .

Cucumber Yogurt Salad (Kakadi Raitha)
Cucumber Health Benefits
– Helps you stay hydrated; 1 cup cucumber slices = 1 glass water
– Sunburn or windburn relief with cucumber peel
– Aids weight loss being low in calories 1cup=16 cal and water dense 95%

Pumpkin(Butternut Squash) w. Lentils (Mathan Eriseri)
Butternut squash health benefits
– low in calories 100g =45 cal; support weight management
– have more vitamin A than pumpkin which maintains the integrity of skin and mucosa, & essential for healthy eyesight
– rich in B complex group of vitamins like folates, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, thiamin and pantothenic acid
– has adequate levels of minerals like iron, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorous
-Squash seeds are excellent source of dietary fiber and rich in protein, minerals and dietary fiber.
– seeds are also excellent source of amino acid tryptophan which converts to health benefiting GABA neurochemical in the brain.

Subzee..ts Eggplant Thought of the day
Guess Me !?!Oval am I, colored purple, green, and whitesmall, medium or large in sizeam delicious & nutritiouswhen baked, sauteed, or grilled I contain phyto-nutrients minerals, vitamins, &… Read More »

Subzee..ts Mushroom
Guess Me !?!There is enough roomto mush around in this fieldto grow from the groundas a button, oyster, or criminishitake, maitake, or enokiportabella, beech, or royal trumpetwild morel… Read More »

Subzee..ts Peas Thought of the day
Guess Me !?!I grow in pods – amazingly cozyshelled – roll around freeboiled – swell upmicrowave – popupfrozen – stay putalways green full of proteinbuild muscles and grow… Read More »

Spinach Lentil Soup (Keerai Molagootal/ Dal Palak)
Vitamins in Spinach
Iron: Spinach contains iron which helps regulate red blood cell production and prevents anemia and hair loss
Kaempferol: Spinach is high in antioxidant Kaempferol which lowers the risk of developing cancer and chronic disease.
Magnesium: Magnesium aids in protein synthesis, and regulates neural activity, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and maintains nerve function.
Nitrates: Spinach promotes good heart health with its high nitrate content.
Potassium: 558 mg potassium / 100 g spinach compared to banana 358 mg 16% of RDA. Potassium helps preserve bone mineral density and retain muscle mass. It helps prevent the formation of kidney stones and control heart rate and blood pressure.
Proteins: 2.9 g protein per 100 g of spinach that is easily broken down by enzymes into amino acids which are vital for working out in the gym.
Vitamin K: 100 g contains 604% of RDA; vitamin K is vital for health since it strengthens bones and stimulates orthotropic activity. It also improves calcium absorption and may reduce calcium excretion in the urine.
Nutrition 100g raw spinach provides cal 23; carb 3.6g; fiber 2.2g.100g of spinach has more iron (3.57mg) than a hamburger patty (2.49mg)

Jicama Sauté (Thoran)
Jicama health benefits
– has anti cancer potential with dietary fiber esp. colon cancer
– aids weightless being low in calories
-boosts the immune system with vitamin C
-helps diabetics by increasing insulin sensitivity
– manages blood pressure with potassium
– improves brain function with B6 improving cognitive abilities