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In 1. Roots, Veggie Periodic Table Families On May 26, 2020 0 Comments

Symbol: Pn Scientific Name: Pastinaca Sativa Calories: 100 GI: 52 GL: 5 Image1: Image2:

Cauliflower Tandoor (Phool Gobi Tandoor)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 26, 2020 0 Comments

calories 14 — carb 2.5 — fiber 1.7
loaded with B vitamins like Niacin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid and Thiamine
anti inflammatory with omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin K to prevent arthritis
high amounts of antioxidants to help prevent heart disease, cancer and stroke
provides a good amount of folate (B9) for a healthy pregnancy
contains Allicin found to reduce occurence of stroke and heart disease
great source of dietary fiber essential for optimal digestion
contains glucoraphin that protects from ulcers and cancer
weight loss enabler- grating or mashing like potatoes

Radish Kheema(Mooli)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 25, 2020 0 Comments

Medical benefits of Radish:
-maintains blood pressure levels
– treats jaundice
– prevents hemorrhoids (piles)
– cures constipation and kidney ailments
-helps in losing weight
– helps with liver functions
– good for diabetic patients
– keeps the body hydrated
– enhances the immune system

Taro Yam Sauté (Chembu Upperi )

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 23, 2020 0 Comments

Taro Yam is
– high in vitamin A 160% RDA
antioxidant vitamin C
– detoxifies body and boosts immunity (1cup 11% )
– prevent risk of heart attack with vitamin B6, 19% Vitamin E
– low in fat and sodium to control high blood pressure
– low GI helps break down glucose in the liver slowly
and prevents glucose spikes for diabetics
-leaves and roots contain polyphenols that protect from cancer
– contains magnesium vital for muscle, bone and nerve health

Tapioca Chips

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 23, 2020 0 Comments

free of common allergens, nut free
am gluten free and used as a grain substitute
source of vegetable protein for muscle development
can boost energy and increase satiety
enrich red blood cells to keep anemia at bay
keep digestion in check with fiber
aid bone and mineral density with calcium and iron
Eliminate transfats and sodium
prevent Alzheimers with vitamin K
Reduce birth defects with folates
regulate blood pressure with potassium
support weight gain with high carb. content

Spicy Mashed Potatoes (for Masala Dosai)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 21, 2020 0 Comments

Potato History:ld’s 4th largest food crop. The Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate it around 8000-5000 BC. In 1536 Spanish conquistadors conquered Peru, discovered potato & carried them to Europe. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes to Ireland in 1589 on 40000 acres in Cork. It then spread to other countries. Agriculturists learned that the potato contained most of the vitamins needed for sustenance and could feed 10 people for each acre of land cultivated.

Carrot Halwa(Gajar Halwa)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 21, 2020 0 Comments

Carrots can
-improve vision and boost the immune system
– provide many vitamins and minerals
– prevent heart attacks and protect from certain cancers
– reduce cholesterol and prevent premature aging
– increase skin health and boost oral health
– help guard against food poisoning
– Steamed carrot contain large amounts of beta carotene
– Potassium in steamed carrots facilitates nerve communication

Sweet Potato Stew (Chakaravalli)

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 20, 2020 0 Comments

sweet potatoes help manage diabetes with low GI (40)
– good for digestion and hydration
– help protect, prevent and manage cancer with Beta carotene and Anthocyanins
-possess anti microbial properties used in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections.
– help prevent vitamin A deficiency
– help prevent anti inflammatory activity with choline
– can help boost blood pressure and fertility
– help minimize risk of cardio vascular diseases

Blackeyed Peas Chundal

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 13, 2020 0 Comments

Blackeyed peas Health Benefits
Great source of energy am I
with a teeny black eye to peek
– help combat anemia
– provide protein power
– help decrease pancreatic cancer risk
– keep your bones strong
– keep nervous system healthy
– keep diabetics on an even keel
– regulate blood pressure
– reduce indigestion
– strengthen eye tissue
– weight loss wonders

Mung Bean Sprouts Usal

In Veggie Periodic Table Recipe On May 13, 2020 0 Comments

Health benefits of Mungbean sprouts
-Calories in 1 cup 26
– Adequate Folate content
– Obesity fighter
– Prevents cataracts
– Prevents osteoporosis
– Rich in iron content
– Source of Vitamin C
– Supports neurological function
– Vitamin K presence