Drumstick, an evergreen tree with the botanical name Moringa Oleifera, is an effective remedy for malnutrition in children younger than 3 years. Its generic name is derived from the Tamil language spoken in S. India and NE. Sri Lanka. “Murungai” in Tamil means “twisted pod”. Oleifera in Latin means “oil-bearing” due to the seed’s high oil content. It is a super plant with its leaves, flowers, and pods full of nutrients and beneficial to humans and animals. It has edible spherical shaped leaves & fruits with pulp and seeds inside, resembling drumsticks in a band. The delicious pulp has a distinct flavor like asparagus but the thick outer skin is not edible; it has to be chewed and discarded like the Artichoke. Moringa is rich in phytosterols which increase estrogen production, which stimulates mammary gland ducts, to produce milk in lactating mothers. About 6 tbsp. moringa powder can meet a woman’s daily requirement of iron and calcium during pregnancy.

History: Moringa tree originated in India 5000 years ago and there are accounts of it being utilized by the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. It is considered the Panacea (Greek goddess of universal health) and is referred to as the Wondrous tree / Divine tree / Miracle tree. It belongs to the Moringaeceae or horseradish tree family. The tree is grown in Africa, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the Middle East. Other names include Murungai – Tamil; Jacinto – Spanish; Sahijan or Munaga – Hindi; Shigru or Shobanjana – Ayurvedic. It is native to the Himalayan mountain region and introduced to SW Asia, SW and NE Africa, Madagascar, Philippines, and in the United States in California, Arizona, Hawaii, and Florida

Nutrional Value of 100g moringa oleifera

Nutrients Fresh
Seed Pods
Calories (cal) 92 329 205 26
Protein (g) 6.7 29.4 27.1 35.97 2.5
Fat (g) 1.7 5.2 2.3 38.67 0.1
Carbohydrate (g) 12.5 41.2 38.2 8.67 3.7
Fiber (g) 0.9 12.5 19.2 2.87 4.8
Vitamin B1(mg) 0.06 2.02 2.64 0.05 0.05
Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.05 21.3 20.5 0.06 0.07
Vitamin B3 (mg) 0.8 7.6 8.2 0.2 0.2
Vitamin C (mg) 220 15.8 17.3 4.5 120
Vitamin E (mg) 448 10.8 113 751.67
Calcium (mg) 440 2185 2003 45 30
Magnesium(mg) 42 448 368 635 24
Phosphorous 70 252 204 75 110
Potassium (mg) 259 1236 1324 259
Copper 0.07 0.49 0.57 5.2 3.1
Iron 0.85 25.6 28.2 5.3
Sulphur 870 0.05 137

Health & Medicinal Benefits of Moringa and leaves

The National Institute of Nutrition’s 1989 book “Nutritive value of Indian Foods” shows a handful of Moringa leaf  provides

  • 7 times more vitamin C than oranges
  • 4 times more calcium than milk
  • 4 times more vitamin A than carrots
  • 3 times more potassium than a banana
  • 3 times more iron than spinach
  • 2 times more protein than yogurt
  • Ailments – Colitis, diarrhea, dysentery, and jaundice patients can get relief.
  • Bone density: Juice of moringa leaves mixed in milk and drunk by children helps build strong bones. Increases bone density when consumed regularly for 2 months. Drumstick also acts as a blood purifier.
  • Brain injury: moringa& leaves can be beneficial for healing after brain injury or brain surgery.
  • Bronchitis and Tuberculosis: soup made from leaves consumed twice daily helps ease bronchitis, tuberculosis, and relief from air pollution.
  • Decreases blood sugar levels: enhances the function of gall bladder among diabetics plus maintains sugar balance in nondiabetics.
  • Glowing skin: drumstick juice combined with lime juice is effective in getting rid of acne, blackheads & pimples and gives a glow to the face
  • Iron tonic: juice extract of the drumstick leaves acts as an excellent iron tonic with calcium and vitamins for children, pregnant & lactating mothers.
  • Improves digestion: helps the intestine to boost the quality of gastric juice as kidney and liver function improve with B complex vitamins
  • Pregnancy & Lactation: boost breast milk production for lactating mothers (boil 1/2 cup leaves in water with salt, drain, mix with ghee clarified butter and eat).
  • Prevent impotency: Help sex life; Drumstick powder can be used to prevent impotency, semen thinness, early ejaculation, and sexual debility.
  • Risk of Cancer and recovery: Constant ingesting of drumsticks and their leaves decreases the risk of cancer and speeds up recovery for breast cancer patients.
  • Reduces cramps during the menstrual period and fibroid in the uterus.

reference : https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-22401/10-powerful-benefits-of-drinking-moringa-every-day.html

Potential side effects of Moringa

  • Alkaloids in the plant may lower blood pressure and slow heart rate.
  • moringa bark may cause uterine contractions..
  • moringa tree extract may interfere with fertility.
  • a chemical isolated from roasted moringa seeds causes cell mutations
  • moringa leaves increased the risk of liver and kidney damage in rats.
  • https://www.asbestos.com/treatment/alternative/mor…

Moringa Recipes

  • Moringa pods in Tamarind sauce ( Murungaikai Sambhar)
  • Moringa Pods with Lentils ( Murungaikai Eriseri)
  • Moringa Leaves Sauté ( Murungai elai vara)
  • Moringa leaves Pancake (Murungai elai Adai)

History of Sambhar

The story of Sambhar goes back to the reign of Shahuji (1684-1712) in the city of Tanjavur -Tamil nadu, where the Chola dynasty ruled originally. The Marathas were used to eating “Aamti ” a soup preparation made of mung dal and kokum (a souring agent). Tweaking this dish the chef came up with substituting Tuvar dal for moong dal and Tamarind juice from tamarind pods grown in the south instead of kokum. The dish was named Sambhar to honor Sambhaji the king from Maharashtra.

Spice & Herb Powers

  • turmeric powder : curcumin may be useful in preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease. It can cross the blood brain barrier and has been shown to lead to various improvements in the pathological process of Alzheimer’s disease.It can help clear the build up of amyloid plaques in the brain.
  • sambhar powder : the spices in it may help prevent dimethyl hydrazine induced colon cancer.
  • Coriander seeds: lower cholesterol being rich in copper, zinc, ironand other minerals that increase RBC, improve metabolism and improves heart health. They are proven to aid weight loss and reduce unwanted fat from the body.
  • fenugreek seeds: contain a milk flow enhancing agent that can enhance milk production in new mothers and acts as a galactegogue. They can be used as a supplement to control blood glucose and help lowering sugar for diabetics.
  • chickpea lentils: full of polyphenols, fiber, high in proteins and magnesium, good source of iron and folic acid.
  • asafetida powder: ferulic acid, a compound in it is chemo protective in cancer treatment. it may offer some protection against carcinogenesis.
  • mustard seeds: high content of magnesium reducing the severity of asthma attacks. It is rich in selenium known for its anti inflammatory effects. It also mitigates migraine attacks .
  • coconut: the fat in coconut comes from medium chain triglycerides (MCT) which promote (body fat )weight loss in obesity. It also provides carbs, and protein along with essential minerals such as manganese, copper, iron and selenium.
  • cilantro leaves: has anticancer effects and improvements in skin health. It possesses chemicals that help keep food stay fresh longer.
  • curry leaves: are rich in vitamin A, B, C and B2; good sources of iron and calcium. Carbazole alkaloids in it work against weight gain help regulate cholesterol levels in the body.

How to make Moringa pods Sambhar


  • with Sambhar Powder and tamarind juice
  • Cook lentils with 2 cups water, turmeric + oil (to prevent overflowing) in a saucepan or pressure cooker. Puree when cool. (20 min.)
  • While lentils cook, snip ends, cut drumsticks into 3-4 ” pieces. (5 min.)
  •  To make Sambhar Sauce
  • Cook drumsticks in 2 cups water with salt, turmeric and sambhar powder. (10 min.)
  • Soak tamarind pod in 1 cup hot water; extract pulp twice; add to sauce & cook. (5 min.) OR use 1 tbsp. Tamarind paste
  • Check to see if the drumstick splits open when squished.
  • Mix cooked drumsticks with lentils and simmer. (5 min.)
  • Alternate method grinding with fresh spices
  • Fry sambhar spices in hot oil until coriander seeds turn brown (emit an aroma).
  • Grind to a smooth paste with coconut and water in a blender.
  • Pour the ground coconut into the sambhar sauce and simmer.(5 min.)
  • Remove from heat and follow tempering with mustard seeds.
  • Sizzler (Porichu kottal)
  • Heat the oil to smoking hot in a frying pan.
  • Add the mustard seeds and cover with a lid.
  • When seeds splutter, pour on sambhar sauce – sizzles.(2 min.)
  • Garnish with washed and chopped cilantro or curry leaves.

Serve Murungaikai Sambhar with Quinoa, Brown Rice, Rice noodles, Idli , Dosai,  Vadai or Dumplings (Kozhakatai).

Save cutting time: Use frozen vegetables: Drumsticks, Brussels sprouts / Okra / Carrots / Radish etc.
Quick Sambhar: Dissolve Sambhar paste in 2 cups water, cook with vegetables,
mix with 1/2 cup cooked lentils and simmer