Raw vegetables like beetroot, carrots, spinach, tomatoes and fruits like apples, mangoes, pears, berries and grapes can be juiced in mixers like Breville, Vitamix, Nutribullet, Cuisinart etc. In this recipe raw beetroot is peeled and pureed in a blender with some water to make concentrated juice that can be diluted to taste and reduce the quantity of sugar. Olympians drink this juice to improve endurance performance.
Beet juice known as Borscht is popular in Russia. Beet juice has been shown to improve performance in runners, swimmers and cyclists, making it a new sports drink.
The red color compound Betanin is not broken down in the body that may cause coloration in the urine and stools. Nitrosamine formation in beet juice can be prevented by adding ascorbic acid.

Health Benefits of Beet juice

  • Boosts Vitamin and Mineral levels: Beets, belong in the same family as Spinach and Swiss chard and possess vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They are also high in Potassium, vitamin C, B6, Folate, iron, Manganese, and Betaine.
  • Boost endurance and stamina: Beets contain a significant amount of carbohydrates that provide increased energy levels for prolonged sports activities. Research shows that consumption of nitrate rich whole beets improves running performance in marathon runners.
  • Lower blood pressure: Beets are abundant in dietary nitrates, which get converted to nitric oxide in the body that helps relax and dilate blood vessels. In one study, it was found that drinking just one glass of beet juice lowered systolic pressure by 4 to 5 points. In another study participants who consumed beet juice for a month had reduction in blood pressure, improvements in endothelial function, and reduced arterial stiffness.
  • Prevent Cancer: Studies have revealed that beets are good at preventing skin, lung and colon cancer. The pigment Betacyanin present in beets counteract cancerous cell growth. Beta carotene helps prevent lung cancer. Beet juice in its powdered form slows down tumor development.
  • Slow Dementia: According to a 2011 study, nitrates may help increase blood flow to the brain in older people and help slow cognitive decline. After participants consumed a high nitrate diet that included beetroot juice, their brain MRIs showed an increased blood flow in the frontal lobes that are associated with cognitive thinking and behavior.
  • Brain health: regular beet juice consumption can improve brain neuro plasticity.
  • Precautions: Since beets are high in oxalates kidney stone sufferers should avoid beet juice. If stored improperly nitrate containing vegetable juice might accrue micro organisms that change nitrate to nitrite and contaminate the juice.
  • Medication: A high nitrate diet might interact with certain medications such as organic nitrate or nitrite drugs for angina, sildenafil citrate, tadalafil and vardenafil.

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Cumin powder : Vitamin E in cumin triggers the anti aging process within the body.
  • Mint leaves : cure allergies and hay fever.
  • Ginger: may reduce muscle pain and soreness


Delicious Beet Juices

Cumin & Mint Beet juice

This juice is very  cooling  with mint


  • Wash beets gently and cut into halves.
  • Peel skin and grate beetroots in a food processor . -2 min.
  • Grind in a blender with 1 cup water to pulverize. -2 min.
  • Filter through a strainer into a bowl;
  • Add cumin powder and stir well.
  • Garnish with washed mint leaves.- 1 min

Serve Beetroot juice in a glass 4 oz. each serving.

Beet juice green & red

This juice is a perfect start to any day!


  • Put all ingredients into your blender and pulverize to juice.
  • Enjoy drinking beet juice in 4oz. glass per serving.

Beet Ginger juice 

ginger in juice gives a zippy taste and beets sweeten it.


  • Place all ingredients in a blender and crush to form juice.
  • Enjoy beet ginger juice in 4oz. glass per serving.

Beet and Pineapple Delight

 pine apple in this drink helps fight inflammation.


  • Place all ingredients in blender and juice. Serve over ice.
  • Enjoy juice in 4oz. glass per serving.

Vitamin C Boost Beet juice:

Give your immune system a boost with this delicious juice.


  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend to make juice.
  • Enjoy beet juice in 4oz. glass per serving.


Limit beet juice consumption to 4oz per day

www.naturalfood series.com