Mushrooms, known as one of nature’s super vegetables, are edible fungi with a family name Agaricus bisporus. They are Saprophytes (plants without chlorophyll) and thrive by extracting nutrients from dead and decaying plants and matter. They were first cultivated by Greeks & Romans. They vary greatly in their color, texture. shape and properties. Exotic wild mushrooms such as Shitake, Morel, Puffball, etc, excite the palate. They grow in varying colors of white to black with a variety of flavors – bland, rich, or earthy. 
Being the most versatile of all vegetables, low in calories, rich in fiber and plant protein, they are packed with nutrients B vitamins, selenium, potassium, copper, and vitamin D ( particularly when exposed to the sun). They taste delicious when stuffed with potato buds, carrots, peas, breadcrumbs, plus Indian spices and baked in the oven. Choose mushrooms of uniform size (2″ in diameter) for even baking.

Buying & Storage :Edible & fleshy button or portabella mushrooms possess a mild earthy flavor. Their cap size varies from 1/2″ to 3″ and color from white to tan. They are sold in bulk or in 8 – 16 oz. packages. When buying mushrooms, look for those that are firm and evenly colored, with tightly closed caps. They are past their prime if gills are showing. 

Story: My colleague at work was talking about stuffed mushrooms with minced meat and got me thinking to come up with a vegetarian version. I found potatoes, carrots, and peas a good substitute and made a filling of these vegetables which baked well with the mushroom.

Mushroom Dishes
Mushrooms can be sauteed, stuffed with cheese or potatoes and spices, or cooked into soups with macaroni. 
Button Mushrooms n Peas Sauté (Chatrak Matar Subzee)
Bella Mushrooms n Tomato Sauté (Chatrak Tamatar Subzee)
Stuffed Mushrooms (Bhara Chatrak)
Mushroom Macaroni Soup (Chatrak Sev Shorba)

Nutrition facts of Mushroom ( Fungi Agaricus Bisporous) %DV

GI =32; GL = 2 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 22 cal 1% Sodium 5mg
Folates 17mcg
Carb. 3.26g 5% Potassium218mg 7% Niacin3607mg 23 %
Protein 2.16g 4% Calcium 3mg <1% Pant.acid 1497mg 27%
Total Fat 0.34 g 1% Copper .318mg 35% Riboflavin 0.402mg31%
Dietary Fiber 1g 3% Iron 0.5mg 6% Pyridoxine 0.104mg 8%
Magnesium 9mg 2% Thiamin 0.81mg 7%
Phosphorous 86mg 12% Vitamin C 2.1mg 3.5%
Selenium 9.3mcg 17% Vitamin D 7 IU 1%
Zinc 0.52mg 15%
Button mushroom (Agaricus bisphorus), fresh, Nutritive value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base) 

Health Benefits of Mushrooms

  • Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins B3 & B2. They help with energy, cognition, stress, heart, metabolism, blood pressure, cholesterol, headaches, eyes, skin, and more.
  • Mushrooms provide copper & Selenium: Copper supports a healthy metabolism, needed for growth while selenium supports the thyroid gland, reproductive health & strengthens the immune system
  • Cancer: Mushrooms can suppress the growth of breast and prostate cancer in cell cultures and in animals
  • Immunity: Mushrooms are the leading source of antioxidant Ergothionene that protects the body’s cells.
  • Weight Management: Mushrooms are hearty and filling. Consumption of low energy dense foods in place of high energy dense foods likelean ground beef can help with weight management.

Spice Health Benefits

  • Black Pepper powder: PIPERINE  in it may improve blood sugar metabolism and memory in those with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Ginger powder: may significantly reduce menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) 1g ginger taken during the three days reduced pain as effectively as ibuprofen and mefenamic acid.
  • Garlic Powder: Helps prevent blood clots and help treat yeast infections with its anti-fungal properties.
  • Curry Powder (Garam masala): slows down aging (cinnamon, pepper & cumin), is good for teeth (cloves), an anti-inflammatory (cumin), lowers cholesterol ( pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom) and blood sugar (cinnamon).

Method to make stuffed Mushrooms

To make stuffing

  • Cook peas and carrots in a pan in the microwave with salt. (3 min.)
  • Mix in the gram flour, breadcrumbs, potato buds, spices and salt with the vegetables.
  • The moisture in peas binds it into a thick paste like dough. (add hot water if needed)
  • Pull out the stalks and wipe button mushrooms with a wet paper towel.
  • Stuff each mushroom’s cap with the filling. (4 min.)

To Bake

  • Spray a non stick baking pan with Pam and arrange the stuffed mushrooms.
  • Sprinkle shredded cheese on the top. Cover with aluminum foil.
  • Bake on the middle rack of a preheated oven at 350F. (8 min.)
  • Finely shredded six cheese Italian mix of Mozzarella, Provolone, Parmesan, Asiago, Romano and Fontina bakes well with the mushrooms.

Serve Stuffed mushrooms as appetizer, with garlic bread, or naan.

Cut pieces of Tofu or grated carrots can be mixed with the filling.