Tomatoes contain Lycopene and possess anti-cancer properties. Green tomatoes make a delicious sauce when mixed with ground coconut and green spices viz. ginger, garlic, and green chili. Green Tomato Curry made with coconut milk is very popular in Sri Lanka. This dish when served cold, is similar to  tomato & cucumber gazpacho  from Spain and can be enjoyed for several days.

Growing Tomatoes: Tomatoes need 6-8 hours of sun to bring out their flavors. To keep them off the ground you will need stakes, a cage, or trellis most plants. Decide on a support plan before planting and add them after. For a strong tomato plant bury 2/3 rds of the stem. Give each plant enough room to grow. They grow long roots; hence it is important to water deeply. They absorb nutrients when the soil pH ranges from 6.2-6.8. Fertilize the soil with Miraclegrow and compost prior to planting.

Story: My close friend from Sri Lanka was the one who cooked this curry and I have fallen in love with it. It is a popular tomato curry that is eaten with Idlis (steamed rice cakes), Dosas (rice pancakes) or rice noodles (Idiaapam in Sri Lanka). This curry is similar to the Mexican green tomatoes called tomatillos and Fried green tomatoes cooked in the South. 

Nutrition Facts of Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculuntum)100g raw

GI 15 ; GL =2; Water=170.14 g Minerals Vitamins
Energy 18 k cal – 1% Sodium 5 mg >1% Folates 15 mcg – 4%
Carb. 3.9g – 3% Potassium 237mg – 5% Niacin 0.594mg – 4%
Protein 0.9 g – 1.6% Calcium 10mg – 1% Pyridoxine 0.08mg – 6%
Total Fat 0.2g – 07% Magnesium 11mg – 3% Thiamin 0.037mg – 3%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Manganese 0.15mg – 6.5% Vitamin A 833IU – 28%
Dietary Fiber 1.2g – 3% Phosphorous 24mg – 3% Vitamin C 13mg – 21.5%
Phytonutrients Zinc 0.17mg – 1.5% Vitamin E 0.54mg – 4%
Alpha Carotene 101 mcg Lutein zea- xanthin123 mcg Vitamin K 7.9mcg-6.5%
Beta Carotene 449mcg Lycopene 2573mcg
Cherry tomato, red, ripe, raw, Nutrition value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Health Benefits of Green Tomato 

  • Beta carotene for eye health: one medium green tomato provides 790 IU of vitamin A in the form of antioxidant Beta carotene. 1 cup green tomato supplies over 1000IU of beta carotene which is = 10% of the RDA / day. According to the Office of Dietary supplements, Beta carotene may play an important role in preventing all forms of cancer and age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness.
  • Vitamin C for strong immune function: 1 green tomato supplies 29mg of vitamin C or 478% of RDA. This is more than the amount found in cooked spinach. Vitamin C plays an important role in immune function and may provide some protection against cardiovascular disease. It also helps the body better absorb iron from plant-based foods. such as beans and lentils, so tomatoes and legumes make particularly healthy pairings.
  • Water for hydration: Tomatoes consist of 94% water esp. good during warm weather. Water-rich foods aid in digestive function by guarding against constipation, help keep your appetite and weight healthy. 
  • Vitamin K for blood clotting: Vitamin K helps ensure normal blood clotting and may help your body maintain bone strength and density. 1 medium green tomato provides 12.5 mcg of vitamin K which is a healthy contribution to 90mcg / day. Vitamin K is fat-soluble pairing it with olive oil can enhance its absorption. Drizzle olive oil over a salad of mixed greens and chopped green tomato or top your green tomato gazpacho with avocado slices.

Spice & Herb Power

  • Coconut milk: builds muscle and helps lose fat; provides electrolytes and prevents fatigue.
  • Coconut: 140 cal, 14 g fat, 1.5 g protein; good source of fiber 3.5 g 14%; soluble fiber draws water from the intestines to ease bowel movements and slow the absorption of fat and sugar into the bloodstream. Insoluble fiber provides bulk to stool preventing constipation and the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Cumin seeds may promote weight loss and fat reduction: a study of 88 overweight women found that yogurt containing 3 g cumin promoted weight loss compared to women without it.
  • Ginger fights nausea and inflammation, provides relief for osteoarthritis, period pains, and cramp. Ginger appears to suppress inflammatory processes during and after consumption, but can also be applied as a topical liquid treatment for pain especially for joint soreness and osteoarthritis. Effects are comparable to Ibuprofen sans stomach irritation.
  • Green chili: a rich source of iron, controls skin infection, pain, and bleeding, supports the cardiovascular system, balances sugar level, regulates mood, high in vitamin C, combats cold with capsaicin which stimulates the smooth flow of blood to the nose.
  • Turmeric powder: helps to prevent cancer, aids in reducing stress and depression, helps detoxify the body, boosts cognitive abilities, rich in anti-inflammatory properties, relieves menstrual pain, and gives relief from fatigue, nausea, pelvic pain, and cramps.
  • Curry powder (madras): boosts the immune system, aids in improving bone & digestive health, gives relief from rheumatoid arthritis, helps reduce risk of tumor growth in the liver, reduces bacterial infections, cognitive decline, and risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Red chili powder: helps prevent and manage diabetes, reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases, improves metabolism and weight loss, provides relief from sinus headache, stimulates the secretion of bile and digestive juices, and helps to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Mustard seeds: rich in selenium, known for its high anti-inflammatory effects; known to give relief from migraine attacks; excellent for digestion since they increase the metabolism of the body; also beneficial for menopausal women with sleeping problems.
  • Curry leaves: Curry leaves contain carbazole alkaloids that work against weight gain and help regulate cholesterol levels in the body. To increase consumption munch on dried curry leaves or add fresh leaves to your meals. Good for diabetics since they offer protection to insulin-producing cells of the pancreas and prevent damage caused by free radicals. They prevent the early onset of cataracts being rich in vitamin A. The scent of curry leaves has a calming effect and reduces stress.
Method to cook Green Tomato (Gazpacho)
  • Blanch tomatoes : boil 1 cup water; leave tomatoes until the skin splits. (3 min)
  • Peel off their skin and puree in a blender.
  • Add salt and turmeric powder;boil until sauce turn pulpy. (5 min)
  • Grind coconut, cumin, ginger, green chili + 1/2cup water.(2 min)
  • Mix with tomato Gazhpacho and simmer until it froths; remove from heat. (3 min)
  • Heat oil in a small frying pan. Add mustard seeds; let it splutter.
  • Add curry powder to hot oil. Pour mixture on tomato Gazhpacho.(2 min)
  • Garnish with chopped curry leaves. Cool in the refrigerator for Gazhpacho.

Alternate method to cook Gazpacho with coconut milk

{4 green tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 garlic pods + 1/2 can coconut milk}

  • Peel onion and garlic pods; cut into thin slices; slice the green tomatoes. (3 min)
  • Sauté onions and garlic with oil in a hot frying pan. (2 min)
  • Add curry spices, green tomatoes and coconut milk. 
  • Simmer green chunky curry until tomatoes are soft. (5 min)

Serve Green Tomato Gazhpaco with Coconut rice, Quinoa, Spaghetti, or Bread rolls.

Add 1 tbsp. sugar to mitigate the hotness if needed
Variation : Add 1/2 cup Tofu or Greek yogurt for protein enrichment
(Do not boil Gazpacho after adding yogurt )