Tomato soup is the most soothing remedy to swallow during a sore throat or when suffering from a cold. In this recipe tomatoes are boiled with aromatic spices and mixed with rice conjee) to thicken the soup, which is very filling, the way my mom made it for us. The topping is puffed rice instead of croutons.

Growing Tomatoes : Tomatoes need 6-8 hours of sun to bring out their flavors. To keep them off the ground you will need stakes, cage or trellis most plants. Decide on a support plan before planting and add them after. For a strong tomato plant bury 2/3 rds of the stem. Give each plant enough room to grow. They grow long roots ; hence it is important to water deeply. They absorb nutrients when the soil pH ranges from 6.2-6.8. Fertilize the soil with miracle grow and compost prior to planting.

Story: Rice Congee was a breakfast for many farm laborers in S. India, who would cook rice, strain the conjee and drink it with a salted lime pickle (Narathangai) early morning before going to work and take the rice to eat at lunchtime with some vegetable or fish curry. The Kenwood mixer gift to my MOM was the cause for this creamy delicious soup, equivalent to the ones served in British army canteens. She added the rice congee to thicken her tomato soup.

Nutrition Facts of Tomatoes (Lycopersicum Esculuntum)100g raw %DV

GI 15 ; GL =2; Water=170.14 g Minerals Vitamins
Energy 18 k cal – 1% Sodium 5 mg >1% Folates 15 mcg – 4%
Carb. 3.9g – 3% Potassium 237mg – 5% Niacin 0.594mg – 4%
Protein 0.9 g – 1.6% Calcium 10mg – 1% Pyridoxine 0.08mg – 6%
Total Fat 0.2g – 07% Magnesium 11mg – 3% Thiamin 0.037mg – 3%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Manganese 0.15mg – 6.5% Vitamin A 833IU – 28%
Dietary Fiber 1.2g – 3% Phosphorous 24mg – 3% Vitamin C 13mg – 21.5%
Phytonutrients Zinc 0.17mg – 1.5% Vitamin E 0.54mg – 4%
Alpha Carotene 101 mcg Lutein zea- xanthin123 mcg Vitamin K 7.9mcg-6.5%
Beta Carotene 449mcg Lycopene 2573mcg
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

  • Anticancer Potential of tomatoes: Tomatoes contain a large amount of lycopene, a carotenoid and an antioxidant that is highly effective in scavenging cancer-causing free radicals. It has been shown to be effective in fighting Prostate, and Breast cancer-preventing their growth according to a study at Harvard School of Public Health. Even heat-treated products of tomato like ketchup, sauce, and paste help prevent cancer A study at the Dept. of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada, shows that Lycopene, (imparts its red color) , may also be helpful in preventing cancer.
  • Counter the effect of smoking cigarettes: The Coumarin derivatives and Chlorogenic acid, in tomatoes, fight against nitrosamines, which are the main carcinogens found in cigarettes. The presence of Vitamin A in high quantities in tomatoes has been shown to reduce the effects of carcinogens. 

Spice Power

  • Pepper Corns: The outer layer of peppercorns assists in the breakdown of fat cells. AyurvedicTea made with black pepper is one of the teas recommended for weight loss. It may also help provide relief from vitiligo (a skin disease that causes some areas of skin to lose pigmentation and turn white) As per researchers at Oregon Health & Science University, the piperine content of pepper can stimulate the skin to produce melanocytes pigment. Topical treatment of piperine combined with ultraviolet therapy is much better than other harsher, more chemical-based treatments for vitiligo.
  • Bay Leaves: also called Laurel leaf; used in pickling, marinating, flavoring stews, and Biryani; contain 2% oil (Cineole). The leaves are used whole and removed after cooking. Bay leaves help in inducing sleep, diabetes management, cancer prevention, and lowering anxiety and stress.
  • Cloves are flower buds in the tree known as Syzygium aromaticum which gives warmth. They improve digestion, antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic, protect the liver, regulate blood sugar, prevent mutation, enhance the immune system, and anti-inflammatory (eugenol). They are also beneficial for oral health inhibiting the growth of pathogens against gum diseases. They have properties that mimic pain killers so can be used for toothaches.
  • Cinnamon: May fight fungal, bacterial, and viral elements in foods, lower bad ( LDL) cholesterol, help manage HIV being anti-microbial, may help treat type 2 diabetes by managing its symptoms by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Method to cook Tomato soup (Tamatar Shorba)

  • Cook rice with 2 cups water until soft.
  • Pour rice through a strainer to collect cunjee. (10 min.)
  • While the rice is cooking, crush the spices in a blender.
  • Cook the tomatoes with spices and 1 cup water in the microwave or stove. (4 min.)
  • Puree using a blender; pass soup through a strainer to filter skin and seeds.(2 min.)
  • Mix tomato soup with rice cunjee and bring to a boil. Let it simmer. (3 min)
  • Fry the rice puffs / croutons in ghee or butter; add to soup. (1 min.)
  • Garnish the tomato soup with fried rice puffs or croutons before serving.

Serve Tomato Soup with Croutons, Bread Sticks or Bread Rolls.

Use Curry powder (Garam masala) instead of whole spices
Substitute canned tomatoes for fresh ones
Cook rice earlier and save the conjee in the refrigerator
Tamatar = Tomato; Shorba= Soup