Cauliflower, with its myriad health benefits, is a versatile vegetable that absorbs all the spices it is cooked with. This was one of the winning recipes at the Cauliflower Festival held in 2007 which I have modified, adding some Indian spices that make it spicy and tasty. They can be frozen and reheated

History Pot pies are believed to have originated in the Neolithic age around 9500 BC. The Greeks cooked meats in open pastry shells and were called Artocreas. according to the Smithsonian magazine, Romans would make potpies with a live bird that would fly out when the pie was cut. This active meal was still prepared in England in the 16th century. Pot pies are very popular in the UK and can be baked ahead at banquets, and celebrations.
They became popular in American cuisine in the late 1700. Pot pies were also described as “sea pie” since they were made aboard ships. This version included pigeons, veal, turkey, and lamb. In 1951 the first frozen pot pie was made by C.A.Swanson company and it was made with chicken. Other versions of potpies have toppings made of potatoes, sweet potatoes cornbread, biscuits, and more.

Nutrition Facts of Cauliflower Brasiica Oleracia (raw 100g)

GI = 15 (low) GL= 2 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 25 cal 1% Sodium 30 mg 2% Folates 57 mcg 14%
Carb. 4.97g 4% Potassium 299 mg 6% Niacin 0.507 mg 3%
Protein 1.92g 4% Calcium 22 mg 2% Pantothenic acid 0.667 mg 13%
Total fat 0.28g 1% Copper 0.03 9mg 4.5% Pyridoxine 0.184 mg 14%
Dietary Fiber 2g 5% Iron 0.42mg 5% Riboflavin 0.060 mg 4.5%
Cholesterol 0mg 0% Magnesium 15mg 3.5% Thiamin 0.050 mg 4%
Photo nutrients Manganese 0.155 mg 7% Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Carotene B 0 mcg Zinc 0.27 mg 2.5% Vitamin C 48.2mg 80%
Lutein Zeaxanthin 1 mcg Vitamin E 0.08 mg 0.5%
Vitamin K 15.5mcg 13%
Source USDA National Nutrition database

Health Benefits of Cauliflower

  • Maintains Electrolyte Balance: the potassium content (299mg/100g) in cauliflower helps to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body, which is essential for the functioning of the nervous system in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions.
  • Reduces hypertension: Glucoraphanin and Sulforaphane present in cauliflower have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They help in reducing oxidative stress, along with LDL levels (bad) cholesterol, besides stimulating HD cholesterol, thus help to reduce blood pressure.
  • The fiber (2g/100g) and omega 3 fatty acids present in cauliflower also prevent hardening of the arteries.

Spice Health Power

  • White pepper powder: is milder in hotness and has a light and earthy flavor. It enhances appetite and promotes a healthy gut. It helps to get rid of secretions from airways. it has anti – inflammatory effects and freshens breath. It purifies the body from harmful toxins and promotes circulation. 
  • Nutmeg powder: is a home remedy for sleeplessness and insomnia (a pinch of nutmeg in warm milk induces sleep). It also relieves pain from chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes since its oil has been proven to be an analgesic and a chronic pain reliever.
  • Turmeric powder : 24 calories in 1 tsp.; Anti-inflammatory due to Curcumin. Skin care: It keeps pimples at bay by inhibiting the growth of pimple causing bacteria and reducing the oil secretion by the sebaceous glands.
  • Curry powder: boosts immune system, helps reduce risk of tumor growth in liver and risk of bacterial infections; aids in improving bone health and digestive health; gives relief from rheumatoid arthritis and prevents cardiovascular diseases. 

Method to bake Cauliflower Pot pie

  • Cut the base and stems from cauliflower and into florets. 
  • Soak in water + lemon juice to prevent discoloration. (2 min.)
  • Cook the cauliflower in boiling water until tender. (6 min.) 
  • Drain and place in ice water; transfer to a colander, pat dry with a paper towel; place in a bowl. (5 min.)
  • Peel and chop onions fine.
  • Heat the oil, add spices and onions; sauté until translucent; 
  • Add to cauliflower in a bowl; stir until coated well; sprinkle mint leaves.
  • Melt butter in a saucepan, add flour, and stir until blended. 
  • Add milk gradually, cook slowly until sauce is thickened. (5 min.)
  • Add the nutmeg, white pepper, and cheeses.
  • Pour on cauliflower and mix well. Transfer mixture to a baking dish. 
  • Cover baking dish with a sheet of puff pastry. Prick the top with a fork at 2″ intervals. (2 min.)
  • Preheat oven to 350F; Bake for 20 min. or until the top is golden brown.
  • Mini Pot pies :
  • Grease cupcake pan with butter; Line bottom with one layer of puff pastry; fill with prepared cauliflower with sauce; cover with another square or circle of puff pastry; brush top with milk and egg wash ; pierce holes on top with a fork; Place in preheated oven at 350F; bake for 20 min. until top turns golden.

Serve cauliflower potpie by itself or with a salad.

Time Saver: Puff pastry available in the freezer section, can be rolled ahead
Blend butter, flour and milk in a mixer and heat to make sauce quickly.
Individual pot pies can be made in ramekins with circles cut out from the puff pastry sheet for the tops