Guess Me !?!

I am not a factory plant
nor am I a facility

My sibling is the banana
I am a hybrid in the genus Plantago
A good source of carbohydrates

My stems can be planted
for me to grow with leaves as branches
that can be eaten on, wrapped and steamed

biodegradable plate
ain't only a seedless fruit but also a vegetable

with nature's packaging green skin

I am a staple food in Africa, Asia & Americas
I contain resistant starch
that resists digestion in the small intestine
helps promote gut health

improves blood sugar control
and reduces inflammation

I can be brewed into beer in E. Africa
My blossoms are edible in salads, curries and soups in Asia
My flesh can be baked, boiled, fried

or dried and ground into flour
as Chips, Tostones, Maduros or Stews in Latin America

Scientific Name: "Plantago Major" "Musa Paradisiaca"

Plantain Health Benefits

Good source of fiber important for cholesterol and blood sugar management
low in protein and fat
Micro nutrients rich in

Vitamins C, important for immune health
Vitamin B6 important for brain and nerve health
Folate important for red blood cell formation & birth defect prevention
Potassium important for high blood pressure management