Long fleshy eggplants (purple or white) are suited to make this Sauté (Porial). In this recipe, it is sautéed in oil until crisp on the outside but soft on the inside. Eggplant reduces by half in quantity when cooked; hence when planning the number of servings, double the amount should be considered. Brining (rub salt & keep aside) the eggplant helps it hold its shape, removes any bitterness, and reduces oil absorption. Brushing or spraying oil on the cut slices gets them to brown evenly as they bake.

Story: Eggplant is the most popular of the trio with okra and drumstick. The vegetable vendors in India would cry out “Katharikai, Vendaikai, Murungaikai vaangu amma or aiya?” on the streets and at the vegetable market (Subzee mandi).

Eggplant Health benefits

  • Eggplant’s Diabetes Management: NIH and American Diabetes Association recommend an eggplant-based diet due to its low amounts of soluble carbohydrates and high fiber, making it ideal to be included.
  • Eggplant’s Birth defect prevention: its rich source of Folic acid prevents babies from neural tube defects to protect pregnant women.
  • Eggplant’s Heart health improvement: its high fiber content reduces bad LDL cholesterol and stimulates the uptake of good cholesterol that can prevent heart attacks, strokes, and Atherosclerosis.

Spice Health Benefits

  • Mustard seeds: are excellent for digestion since they increase the metabolism rate in the body. They also give relief from the number of migraine attacks.
  • Turmeric powder: has been shown to increase antioxidant capacity and help fight free radical damage to benefit our appearance by protecting the skin from environmental pollutants.
  • Red chili powder: improves cognitive function, contributes to red blood cell formation, reduces blood pressure, and acts as a natural pain reliever as well.

Method to Cook Eggplant Sauté
(Baingan Subzee/ Katharikai Porial)

  • Snip the top stem from eggplants. {yields 21/2 cups diced eggplants}.
  • Slice lengthwise and cut into 1″ long and 1/2″ wide strips. Place cut pieces in water immediately to prevent browning like apples.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, until smoking hot. Add mustard seeds. When the mustard seeds splutter, add rinsed eggplant pieces.
  • Sauté on low heat until the pieces are glassy in appearance. (6-10 min) Garnish with Dosai chili powder.
  • Alternate method:
  • Cut eggplants in 1/2″ thick circular discs. Mix the salt and spices with rice flour.
  • Coat each eggplant disc in the powder. Pan fry using Pam spray or a little oil on each side. (6 min)
  • OR bake in an oven at 350F for 20 min. (flip sides after 10 min.)
  • OR bake in an Air fryer for 7 min.; flip sides, bake 7 more min. until crisp

Serve Eggplant Sauté with Quinoa, Brown rice, Pasta or Bread rolls.

Do not cover with a lid when cooking eggplant, as it tends to become soft very quickly
Add 1 tsp. tamarind paste to the eggplant while sauteing, for a tangy taste
Variation: Add 2 tbsp. coconut milk to add some sauce to the eggplants and serve with rice
Katharikai Porial = Eggplant Sauté