Malai Kofta is a gourmet dish with a creamy taste, made of potatoes and cottage cheese with nuts stuffed in the center, giving a nutty flavor; adds beauty to buffet tables, parties, and feasts.

Buying & storage: A variety of potatoes are grown in U.S.A : Starchy: Idaho or Russet – used for mashing; Less starchy: Blue potatoes – chips or salads Waxy: Red Bliss or New Potatoes hold shape well after cooking – used for roasting, boiling; All-purpose: Yukon gold – medium starch content. All potatoes picked, red, white, or blue should be firm, well-shaped, and blemish-free. They can be stored in a cool, well-ventilated place for two weeks. Refrigerating potatoes will make them turn dark when cooked.

Story: Emperor Akbar wished to feed vegetarian citizens from Rajasthan when he conquered the Rajputs and married their princess. The chef at his court substituted lamb meatballs with potatoes and created Malai Kofta to be served at the wedding feast for the queen’s entourage.

Potato Nutrition Facts

GI =85; GL=8 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 77 kCal.(4%) Sodium 6mg (0.4%) Folates 15 mug (4%)
Carb 17.49g (13%) Potassium 425mg (9%) Niacin 1.061mg (6%)
Protein 2.05g (4%) Calcium 12mg (1%) Pantothenic acid 0.279 mg (6%)
Fat 0.1g (0.5%) Iron 0.81mg (10%) Pyridoxine 0.298mg (23%)
Cholesterol 0 mg ( 0%) Magnesium 23mg ( 6%) Riboflavin 0.032mg (2.5%)
Dietary Fiber 2.1g (5%) Manganese 0.141mg ( 6%) Thiamin 0.081mg (7%)
Vitamin K 2mcg (2%) Phosphorous 57mg (8%) Vitamin A 2 IU (<1%)
Zinc 0.3mg (3%) Vitamin C 19.7mg (33%)
Potato nutrition, flesh, and skin, all varieties, the value per 100 g.raw %DV
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Health Benefits of Potatoes and Almonds

  • Potato, a member of the nightshade family has fiber that helps in lowering cholesterol and improve insulin functioning in the body and aid in lowering of blood pressure.
  • Potassium found in potatoes (46% of daily requirement per serving) reduces blood pressure since it acts as a vasodilator.
  • Potato contains a compound called Quercetin, proven to have anti-cancer properties.
  • Almonds contain Choline – helpful in memory retention.

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Pepper powder: Piperine in black pepper stimulates the brain and helps it to function properly and more active to alleviate depression.
  • Dry mango powder: improves digestion, helps to fight acidity, and stimulates de-toxification due to the presence of vitamins A, D & B6
  • Ginger powder: helps to ease pain and support healthy inflammation levels with Gingerol. Ginger extracts prevent joint swelling by lowering levels of inflammation.
  • Garlic powder: reduces levels of LDL cholesterol with sulfur compounds.
  • Coriander powder: helps relieve constipation and ensure regular bowel movement with dietary fiber (100g coriander seeds – 50 g fiber ) most of it insoluble.
  • Cumin powder:Vitamin E in cumin acts as an antioxidant and combats free radicals reducing signs of premature aging like wrinkles.
  • Red chili powder: acts as natural pain relief. Capsaicin is used to alleviate pain caused by osteoarthritis and diabetic neuropathy. It works by desensitizing the sensory receptors and also possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Cilantro leaves: can prevent anemia (1.7 mg iron in 100 g ) iron content in it promotes healthy bones.

Method to make Potato Balls (Malai Koftas)

For the Koftas (16 koftas);

  • Place cottage cheese in a (coffee) cone filter to drain if using fresh.
  • Boil potatoes in a pan; drain cool & peel skin; mash them well. (10 min.)
  • Mix potatoes with cheese, flour, salt & spices to form a dough.
  • Shape 1 tbsp. of dough into kofta balls; insert a nut/raisin in the center & roll.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan to medium heat.
  • Roll koftas in bread crumbs & deep fry until golden brown. (10 min.)

For the gravy

  • Peel and chop onions fine; place tomatoes in boiling water; peel skin & chop.
  • Heat 2 tbsp. used oil in a frying pan, add spices & onions; sauté until translucent.
  • Grind onions and tomatoes in a blender; pour into the pan & boil. (5 min.)
  • Turn off the heat; add malai koftas; allow to soak in gravy. (5 min.)
  • Garnish with whipping cream & cilantro leaves.

Quick Potato Balls (Koftas): Time:15 min.

  • Mix 1 cup potato buds, 1/2 cup bread crumbs with 1/2 cup drained cottage cheese to make the koftas and deep fry in hot oil.
  • Use canned crushed tomatoes and proceed as above for gravy.

Serve Malai Koftas with Quinoa, Basmati Rice, Naan or Garlic bread.

Variation: Substitute cottage cheese with Ricotta Cheese

Healthier version: Substitute grated Cabbage & Carrots with half potatoes

Malai=cream; Koftas = Balls