Moringa- also called drumstick is a tropical tree grown in Asia and Africa. The plant is a distant relative of Cabbage & Broccoli. Moringa leaves have the most therapeutic benefits besides the pods and flowers. You can use the leaves in 3 ways: raw leaves, powder & juice. Stir leaves in water; use leaves in tea; mix leaves in shakes and smoothies; sprinkle leaves on soups and as salad toppings.
In this simple Sri Lankan recipe, the leaves are plucked from the branches, rinsed and, sauteed in oil with onions for a few minutes until limp and garnished with fresh or frozen coconut.

History: Moringa Oleifera is native to India and is used in a variety of ways. Moringa is native to the sub – Himalayan region in India. It is believed the tree was used in Indian medicine (Ayurveda) 5000 years ago. There are accounts of it being used by Egyptians, Romans & Greeks. It has been introduced to S.W.Asia, N.E. & S.W. Africa, Madagascar, & in the US in California, Arizona, Hawaii & Florida. The moringa tree is cultivated in Central and S. America since it is easy to grow.

Buying and Storage: Moringa leaves can be dried and powdered for storage for up to 6 months. Fresh leaves can be used in smoothies and frozen for 2 -3 months. Plucking the leaves from the stems is labor intensive and time consuming. Easier method to remove leaves : Place stems with leaves in the sun or pre heated oven for 5-10 min. The leaves are shed when the stems are tapped. Be careful to remove even small stems as they can get stuck in the throat.

Nutrition Facts of Moringa Leaves per 10g % DV

GI=0 GL =0 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 30.6 kcal Potassium 145mg -7.3% Vitamin A 151mug – 18.9%
Carb 2.6g Calcium 198 mg – 24.7% Vitamin C 2.3mg – 2.9%
Fiber 2.4 g Magnesium – 49.5mg -13.2% Vitamin E 8.1mg – 67.4%
Fat 0.6g Iron 4.5mg – 32.2% Vitamin K 119mug – 158.7%
Protein 2.5 g Zinc 0.25 mg – 2.5 % Thiamin B1 0.08 mg – 7.3%
Riboflavin B2 0.1mg – 7.9%
Vitamin B6 0.1mg – 7.2%
Vitamin B12 0.2mug – 8.1%

Health Benefits of Moringa leaves

  • Relief from Ailments: Colitis, Diarrhea, Dysentery & Jaundice patients can get relief with moringa leaves. ( Mix 1 tsp. fresh leaf juice+ 1/2 tsp. honey + 8 oz. tender coconut water)
  • Asthma & respiratory system: Moringa leaves help ease asthma and respiratory difficulties by breathing in steam from water boiled with them.
  • Blood sugar levels lowered: Moringa leaves enhance functions of the gall bladder by decreasing sugar levels among diabetics plus maintain balance in non-diabetics.
  • Bone Density: Juice of moringa leaves mixed in milk and drunk by children helps build strong bones. Increases bone density when consumed regularly for two months. Moringa also acts as a blood purifier.
  • Brain injury: Drumstick & leaves can be beneficial for healing after brain injury or brain surgery.
  • Bronchitis and Tuberculosis: Moringa soup made from leaves consumed twice daily helps ease bronchitis, tuberculosis & give relief from air pollution.
  • Glowing skin: Moringa leaf juice combined with lime juice is effective in getting rid of acne, blackheads, and pimples that produce glowing skin.
  • Protects Liver (Iron tonic): Juice extract of the Moringa leaves acts as an excellent iron tonic with calcium and vitamins for children, pregnant & lactating mothers.
  • Increases Energy: Moringa leaves are rich in iron that helps reduce weakness and drowsiness in the body. Vitamin A present helps in iron absorption and proper utilization.
  • Improves digestion: helps the intestine to boost the quality of gastric juice as kidney and liver function improve with B complex vitamins.
  • Pregnancy & Lactation: Moringa leaves boost breast milk production for lactating mothers; (boil 1/2 cup leaves in water with salt, drain, mix with ghee – melted butter, and eat).
  • Prevent Impotency: Moringa leaf powder can be used to prevent impotency, semen thinness, early ejaculation, sexual debility.
  • Reduces Cancer: Frequent consumption of Moringa and its leaves decrease risks of cancer and speed up recovery for breast cancer patients.
  • Reduces cramps during menstrual periods and fibroid in the uterus.

Spice Power

  • Turmeric powder helps boost immunity. Lipopolysaccharide a substance with anti-fungal, anti-bacterial & anti-viral agents helps stimulate the immune system. It provides relief from arthritic pain, curcumin in it may help improve memory for Alzheimer’s patients. Turmerone in it promotes in the repair of stem cells in the brain. It aids digestion by reducing symptoms of bloating and gas. Curcumin’s antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties delay the onset of diabetes for pre-diabetes patients. It further helps moderate insulin levels and boosts the effect of medications that treat diabetes.
  • Cumin Powder has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial & anti-cancer properties; may improve digestion, may fight inflammation; may promote weight loss without any side effects.
  • Red chili powder helps with osteoarthritis, fights fat, helps settle the stomach, builds immunity & stimulates sexual arousal.
  • Coconut: Lauric acid present in coconut fat helps improve HDL levels of cholesterol. it is a great source of digestion-friendly and satiating fiber. (5g fiber in 2 tbsp. coconut flour)
  • Onion: Rich source of antioxidants, Sulphur (amino acids needed for protein synthesis), strengthen immunity, lower cholesterol & blood pressure.

Method to cook Moringa leaves Sauté

  • Pluck leaves from drumstick branches, place in a colander; rinse, and keep aside. (5 min.)
  • Peel and chop the onion and garlic finely. (3 min.)
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan; add red chilies first then mustard, cumin seeds; let seeds splutter then add onion and garlic; sauté until onions are translucent. (2 min.)
  • Add drumstick leaves, salt, turmeric, and 1/2 cup water; cover with a lid and cook for (3 min.). Open the lid and stir; continue to stir frequently until all the water has evaporated. (2 min.)
  • Garnish with coconut.

Serve Moringa Leaves Sauté with Quinoa, Rice noodles, Coconut, Tamarind Tomato, or Yogurt rice.

Time Saver: To remove moringa leaves easily place them in a preheated oven for 5 minutes or in the Sun for 15 minutes and shake the branches; the leaves will fall off
Moringa= drumstick; elai =leaves; Vara= sauté