Pumpkin – scientific name “Cucurbita Pepo”, has yellow/orange flesh providing 26 cal / 100 g. It is rich in fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. 1cup of pumpkin contains more vitamin A than a cup of kale, more potassium than a banana, and more fiber than 1/2 cup of quinoa.
Olan is a simple recipe cooked with white ash gourd or green, yellow or orange pumpkin. The squash is cooked with salt in little water. Red or black-eyed beans are mixed in, to make it protein-rich
. Coconut milk is used as a garnish, to give a creamy taste and appearance.

Buying and Storage: Whole pumpkins can be stored for several months in a cool dry place. Cut pieces can be stored in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic unto 2 weeks. Cooked pumpkins can be frozen and stored for 10 months. Canned pumpkins for a year or until the expiry date.

History Pumpkins had originated in N. America. Seeds from related plants have been found in Mexico since 7000 -5500 BC. The name pumpkin originated from the Greek word Pepon – large melon, changed by French into pompon; The English changed it to Pumpion. American colonists changed it to Pumpkin. Native Americans used pumpkin in their diet long before the pilgrims arrived. They would roast long strips of pumpkin on the open fire and eat them. They would also dry strips of pumpkin and weave them into mats.

Pumpkin Recipes
Pumpkin in coconut milk (Mathan Olan)
Pumpkin with horse gram (Mathan Puzhukku)
Pumpkin w. lentils (Mathan Eriseri)
Pumpkin in yogurt sauce (Mathan Avial)
Pumpkin Halwa (Kasi Halwa)
Pumpkin Bread (Kaddoo Pooris)
Toasted Pumpkin seeds

Nutrition Facts of Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo) 100g raw

GI= 75; GL =3
Water 230g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 26 kcal -1% Sodium 1 mg – 0.5% Folates 16mug – 4%
Carb. 6.5g – 5% Potassium 340mg – 7% Niacin 0.6mg – 4%
Protein 1g -2% Calcium 21mg – 2 % Pantothenic acid 0.298mg – 6%
Total Fat 0.1g – 0.5% Copper 0.127 mg – 14% Pyridoxine 0.061 mg – 5%
Cholesterol 0 mg – 0% Iron 0.8mg – 10% Riboflavin 0.11 mg – 8.5%
Dietary Fiber 0.5 g – 2% Magnesium 12mg – 3% Thiamin 0.05mg – 4%
Sugar 2.5g Manganese 0.125mg <0.5% Vitamin A 7384 IU – 246%
Carotene Alpha 515 mcg Phosphorous 44mg – 5 % Vitamin C 9 mg – 15%
Carotene Beta 3100 mcg Selenium 0.3mcg <0.5% Vitamin E 1.06mg – 7%
Crypto Xanthin B 2145mcg Zinc 0.32 mg – 3 % Vitamin K 1.1mcg – 1%
Lutein zeaxanthin 1500mcg Choline 15.2mg
Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.), fresh, Nutritive value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base) https://www.nutrition-and-you.com/pumpkin.html

Health Benefits of Acorn Squash

  • Good source of fiber; acorn squash skin contains lots of fiber.
  • Gluten-free: alternate food substitute for celiac disease patients
  • Support vision, cell growth, and development with Vitamin A
  • Anti-aging: a modest source of antioxidants like carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin that help scavenge harmful free radicals and reactive oxygen species from the body.
  • Vitamin C essential for collagen synthesis in bones, cartilage, and blood vessels and helps in absorption of iron, which is greater than in pumpkin. (18%RDA)

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

  • Aids in weight loss: Pumpkin is low in calories and rich in fiber which slows down digestion. It makes you feel fuller for a longer time on fewer calories. Food rich in fiber helps to consume less and thus shed pounds.
  • Helps recover after a hard workout; cooked pumpkins have more of the refueling nutrient potassium 564mg (11% DV) compared to banana 422 mg. Potassium is an essential mineral needed to keep heart and muscle working at optimal levels.
  • Keeps eyesight sharp: Pumpkin is an excellent source of polyphenolic flavonoid compounds such as alpha and Beta carotenes, cryptoxanthin. lutein and zeaxanthin. Zea xanthin is a natural antioxidant that has Ultraviolet rays filtering capacity in the retina. It may offer protection from cataracts and macular degeneration in seniors.
  • Protect the skin: Beta carotene from pumpkin protects the skin from wrinkle-causing UV rays helping to maintain youthful skin. Pumpkin pulp acts as a natural face mask and skin soother.
  • Reduce cancer risk: Research studies suggest that natural foods rich in beta carotene that is converted to vitamin A, may help protect against lung, prostate, and oral cavity cancers. Pumpkin contains 246% RDA of vitamin A. It also has vitamin C 15% RDA which acts as a shield for the cells from cancer-causing free radicals.
  • Pumpkin seeds can help your heart and boost mood: are rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, and fibers. They provide benefits for heart and liver health when mixed with flax seeds. The seeds are rich in amino acid tryptophan important in the production of serotonin a major player in restoring mood.

Herb Power

  • Coconut milk: nutrients in it support the weight loss process by suppressing hunger; it strengthens bones being rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Coconut oil: protect skin and hair health; it is able to remove color imbalances on the skin due to suntan.
  • Curry leaves: weight loss – carbazole alkaloids present in curry leaves work against weight gain and reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Method to Baked Acorn squash Olan

  • Veg. Prep.: Cut the acorn squashes with skin into halves. Combine orange juice, sugar and pour into each half until half full and sprinkle top with cinnamon.
  • Water bath: Place in a deep tray containing 2 cups of water with bottoms immersed. Bake for 45 min. at 350F. Remove from oven; allow to cool.
  • Cut halves into 1″ wide slices along the ridges. Peel the skin and cut into wedges 1″ thick.
  • Olan prep:
  • Heat 2 cups water in a saucepan; add 2 tbsp. coconut milk and bring to a boil. Add 1 tsp. salt &1/2 tsp. pepper; add the squash slices and let cook in the coconut milk for 5 min.
  • Garnish with 1 tsp. coconut oil and few sprigs of curry leaves.

Method to cook Pumpkin Olan

  • Cook soaked beans with 2 cups water in pressure cooker/stove. (20 min.)
  • While the beans are cooking:
  • Peel the skin and slice the squash in 1″ squares. (21/2 cups yield)(10 min.)
  • Rinse squash; cook with salt + 1/2 cup water on the stove or in a microwave. (8-10 min.)
  • Mix the cooked beans with pumpkin and simmer. (3 min.)
  • Add coconut milk and oil; stir well; garnish with curry leaves.(2 min.)

Serve Olan with Quinoa, Coconut/ Lemon/ Tomato / Tamarind Rice, Parathas, Pasta, Pita bread, or bread rolls.

Time saver: Skip beans cook with only pumpkin
Variation: Cook Ash gourd in a similar manner