Chayote squash is also known as custard marrow, Chochow, alligator pear, Sayote, mirliton, or Christophe. It is pear-shaped with a sift white flesh and pale green skin. Like other members of the Cucurbitaceae family the Chayote squash grows on a perennial vine in a semi-tropical climate. The largest source of chayote squash seems to be central America including Mexico, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala.

History: Chayote squash originated in Central America where it was cultivated by the Aztecs and Mayans. Its name is derived from the Spanish Nahuati “Chayoti”. European explorers spread the plant to the Caribbean, S. America, and Europe. Eventually, it was also introduced to Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Buying & Storage: Chayote squash is available year-round in markets & grocery stores with specialty produce. When choosing chayote squash avoid overly mature pieces as they tend to have tough skin and stringy pulp that is unappetizing. Old stock tends to grow sprouts. Store chayote squash inside a paper bag in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator; they will stay for two to three weeks

Chayote Squash Recipes
Chayote Squash in Buttermilk sauce (Morekootan)
Chayote Squash with lentils (Kootu)
Chayote Squash in Tamarind sauce (Sambhar)

Nutrition Facts of Chayote Squash (Sechium Edule) 100g raw

GI= 15 ; GL = 1 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 19 kcal <1% Sodium 2 mg <1% Folates 93mug – 23%
Carb 4.51g – 3.5% Potassium 125 mg – 2.5% Niacin 0.47mg – 3%
Protein 0.82g – 1.5% Calcium 17mg – 1.7% Pantothenic acid 0.249mg – 5%
Total Fat 0.13g <1% Iron 0.34mg – 4% Pyridioxine 0.076mg – 6%
Cholesterol 0 mg – 0% Magnesium 12mg -3% Riboflavin 0.029mg – 2%
Dietary Fiber 1.7g – 4.5% Manganese 0.189mg – 8% Thiamin 0.025mg – 2%
Phosphorous 18mg – 2.5% Vitamin A 0IU – 0%
sugars 2.2 g Selenum 0.2mug <1% Vitamin C 7.7mg – 13%
Zinc 0.74mg – 7% Vitamin E 0.12mg <1%
Vitamin K 4.1mug – 4%
Chayote (Sechium edule), raw, Nutrition value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Chayote Squash

  • Chayote Squash lowers cholesterol and weight loss: is low calorie and fiber-rich; One gourd contains 1.7 g / 100g; helps with weight management, helps regulate and improve gut health. it has been shown to lower cholesterol and important addition to make you feel full longer.
  • Chayote Squash helps inhibit neural tube defects among babies: pregnant women benefit from high folate content in chayote squash since it helps in cell division and DNA synthesis
  • Chayote Squash combats free radicals and contains reactive oxygen species with Polyphonic antioxidants Apigenin and Luteolin.

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Coconut: prevents urinary tract infection by removing toxins from the body. It is also rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium iron, zinc, and copper that supports the digestive system.
  • Green chili: pain relief – Capsaicin has some unique properties. It binds with nerve receptors which are nerve endings that induce pain. It induces a burning sensation that does not cause any real burn injuries.
  • Red chili: rich source of vitamin C 143.7 mug 240% essential for collagen synthesis in the body. Collagen is the main structural protein required by the body to maintain blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones.
  • Curry leaves: reduces stress due to the calming effect of the scent of curry leaves. Studies show that inhaling linalool present in curry leaves reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Ginger: enhances sexual activity, provides relief from menstrual cramps, regulates sugar levels, boosts bone health, and relieves joint pain.
  • Turmeric powder: acts as a natural pain reliever – curcumin extract worked as well as ibuprofen to relieve pain among people with osteoarthritis as per a study from Thailand.
  • Mustard seeds: great source of minerals – contain calcium 266 mg; Selenium 208 mcg ; zinc 6.1 mg ; copper 645 mcg ; phosphorous 825 mg; magnesium 370mg; manganese 2.4 mg; potassium 738 mg; sodium 13mg ; iron 9.2 mg. Copper helps with the production of red blood cells. Calcium is needed for bones and teeth. Manganese is used as a co-factor for an antioxidant enzyme.
  • Fenugreek seeds: may help control diabetes and blood sugar levels by increasing general carb tolerance. As per a study 50g of fenugreek powder taken at lunch and dinner for 10 days showed a reduction in sugar levels and cholesterol due to the high fiber content. (3g in 1 tbsp. 11.1 g.)

Method to make Chayote squash in Buttermilk Sauce More Kootan / Kadhi

Buttermilk (Chaas) is a probiotic food and an excellent source of Calcium (Ca 420mg / cup). It has good gut bacteria to benefit the intestines and wash down the fat in our body. Sauce made with it cools the stomach and prevents dehydration. In South India vegetables like plantain, ash gourd, squash & Sooran / Taro yam are cooked with salt, turmeric powder & buttermilk, to make a delicious sauce. Coconut is then ground with fenugreek seeds and red or green chili to give a creamy texture. The North Indian Kadhi sauce is also made with buttermilk mixed with chickpea (gram) flour. Fried vegetable fritters (pakoras) are added to Kadhi.

Green chilli Morekootan

  • Peel and cut vegetables into 1″ cubes. (5 min.)
  • Cook with spices and water in a saucepan (microwave / stove). (10 min.)
  • Grind coconut & green chili with yogurt in a blender.
  • Add to vegetables; heat on medium, until sauce turns frothy. (3 min.)
  • Heat oil on medium heat; add mustard and fenugreek seeds.
  • When they pop pour over sauce; garnish with curry leaves. (2 min.)

Red chili Morekootan

  • Roast red chili with the fenugreek seeds in hot oil.
  • Grind with coconut; mix with buttermilk to make the sauce. (2 min.)


  • Whisk buttermilk with gram flour, salt, and turmeric powder. (2 min.)
  • Crush ginger and green chili. (2 min.)
  • Heat the oil; add mustard and cumin seeds.
  • Add crushed spices and buttermilk when seeds splutter. (1 min.)
  • Bring to a boil and simmer until the sauce is thickened. (5 min.)
  • Do not allow kadhi sauce to boil, as the buttermilk will split.

Serve Morekootan/ Kadhi with Quinoa, Brown rice, Veggie Biryani, Pasta or Bread

The buttermilk sauce can be stored for a week in the refrigerator
Variation: Ash gourd, Cucumber, Carrot, Mango, Plantain, Taro, or elephant yam can be substituted for chayote squash.
Variation: Fried onion pakoras can be added to the Kadhi
Substitute buttermilk with soft tofu or coconut cream for vegan

  • Chayote squash (Raw)