This recipe uses cucumber boats to symbolize the journey of the Pilgrims on the  boat “Mayflower,” as they sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from England to America. Slices of bell peppers depicted as ‘sails’, are colorful in this nutritious salad. 

How to make the salad ?

  • Peel cucumbers and cut into halves. Scoop out the seeds and discard.
  • Cut a thin slice from the bottom of each half cucumber, in order to lay it flat.
  • Cut the bell peppers vertically into one fourth slices, for every boat in each color :  green, red, yellow and orange.
  • Pierce 2-3 toothpicks through each slice to make the ‘sails’ and stick on to the cucumber ends.
  • Peel 4-6 leaves of lettuce & tear into halves lengthwise, discarding their stems.
  • Create a bed of lettuce on a salad plate leaving room at the edges.
  • Spread the blueberries on the bed of lettuce to form the “Atlantic Ocean”.

Carrot Filling

  • Wash, peel and grate carrots. Mince the green chili.
  • Combine the carrots with the peanut powder, coconut and chili .
  • In a cup, dissolve salt & sugar in lemon juice; pour over the carrots and stir well.
  • Stuff the cucumber boats with the filling.
  • Garnish with washed and chopped cilantro leaves.
  • Stick “Mayflower” labels on boats with toothpicks.
  • Display on the blueberries to depict as sailboats.


  • Add the lemon juice mix & fill the boats just before serving to retain crispness.
  • Substitute peppers with thin tomato slices for sails on the cucumber boats.