Guess Me !?!
White, yellow, red or purple skinned
round or oval in shape
loved globally as chips or fries
cultivated by Incas first

Spread around the world
by the Spanish, British & Iris
Pot I am not,reverse of at and ot
but rhyme with tomato
Who am I ?????

Flavonoids, Carotenoids and Phenolic acids
act as my antioxidants
neutralize harmful free radicals
improve blood sugar control
reduce heart disease risk
provide higher immunity

Botanical Name: "Solanum Tuberosum"

Health Benefits of Potatoes

1 raw potato: cal.100; carb. 18.4; fiber 2.2g
Antioxidant (Anthocyanin) in potatoes soak up free radicals
may reduce risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease
Potato is an important source of complex carbs, low in sodium; high in potassium, vitamins B-6, and C
Potato consumption helps improve blood sugar control with resistant starch by
reducing insulin resistance (33% in a study by scientists )
Resistant starch in potatoes get converted to short chain fatty acids Butyrate,

improve digestion and benefit gut bacteria
Purple potatoes

have 4 times more antioxidants than white ones
cholesterol free, suppress the growth of liver and colon cancer cells
help lower blood pressure, risk of heart disease and stroke

among obese who suffer from hypertension
(as per a study 2012)