Guess Me!?!
Shaped like a bottle am I
Can be used as an utensil
Paint on me when I am dry
Cook me as a savory dish or dessert
Who am I ?????
Health Benefits
I can promote weight loss being lowest in calories
relieve constipation and hemorrhoids
lower blood pressure and heart ailments
hydrate and cool the body in summer
reduce inflammation of liver and kidneys
and support the urinary system
Special benefits
My leaves and tendrils are edible;
Carry higher concentrations of
vitamins and minerals
Botanical Name : "Lageneria Ciceraria"
Bottle Gourd Juice:
- Blend in a juicing machine 1 cup cut cubes of peeled bottle gourd +1"ginger +a few mint leaves.
- Add 1 cup water +1/2 tsp each cumin and black pepper powder
- Mix in 1/4 tsp salt +1 tbsp lemon juice
Bitter Bottle Gourd may cause vomiting and diarrhea problems.
Tasting the cut pieces prior to juicing is recommended

About the Author: Laxmi
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