Raitha is a yogurt based no cook dish made with fresh vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, okra, bell peppers or fruits like pomegranate, mango, pineapple or grapes. Cucumber and yogurt make a healthy salad, side dish or dip with chips. Raita is the North Indian preparation with yogurt. Pachadi is the South Indian preparation with yogurt and ground coconut. Cilantro or mint are used as garnish.

Buying and storage: Cucumbers are available all year long with the peak season from May to August. Choose firm fruit with smooth, brightly colored skins. Avoid those with shriveled or soft spots. Whole, unwashed cucumbers can be stored for 10 days in the refrigerator. They can be eaten with the skin unless it is waxed. The seeds turn bitter as the cucumber matures and should be removed. Cucumbers can be eaten raw in slices, made into salads like Raitha, Pachadi, or Kosmalli, and filled in sandwiches.

History: Cucumber Raitha is similar to the Mediterranean dish” Tzatziki” made with thick Greek yogurt. Yogurt helps avoid gastro intestinal infections, aids recovery from diarrhea, counters the side effects of antibiotics and supports the immune system. It acts as an antidote when consumed after eating hot & spicy curries that also cools the digestive system.

Nutrition Facts of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) 100g raw %DV

GI =15; GL=1
Water = 95.2 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 12kcal -<1% Sodium 2mg – 0% Folates 14mug – 3.5%
Carb. 2.16 g -1.6 % Potassium 136 mg – 3% Niacin 0.037mg – <1%
Protein 0.59g -1% Calcium 14mg – 1.4% Pantothenic acid 0.259mg – 5%
Total Fat 0.16g – 0.75% Iron 0.22mg -3.5% Pyridoxine 0.051 mg – 4%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Magnesium12mg – 3% Riboflavin 0.025mg – 2 %
Dietary Fiber 0.7g – 2 % Manganese 0.079mg – 3.5% Thiamin0.031mg – 2.5 %
Carotene Beta 31 mug Phosphorous 21 mg – 3% Vitamin A 12 IU <1%
Crypto xanthin Beta – 18 mug Zinc 0.17mg – 1.5% Vitamin C 3.2mg -&%
Lutein zeaxanthin – 16mug Vitamin E 0.03mg _ 0 %
Vitamin K – 7.2 mug – 6%
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)https://www.nutrition-and-you.com/cucumber.html

Health Benefits of Cucumber

  • Sun or wind burn relief : Cucumber peel can bring relief to your skin caused by sunburn or windburn.
  • Support heart health: Cucumber contains potassium 152 mg / cup (4%) ; a higher in take of potassium is associated with lower rates of stroke and cardiovascular disease.
  • Help you stay hydrated : A cup of cucumber slices is nearly as quenching as a glass of water according to Eat Well magazine. It has 95 % water content (5 oz contains 150 ml- 26% RDA). Cucumber also contains nutrients like magnesium and potassium which play an important part in hydration.
  • Weight loss: Cucumbers are a popular ingredient in diet meals with insoluble fiber in the skin and being very low in calories 16 cal / cup and water dense 95%. As per a 2011 study in Obesity magazine participants (middle aged and older adults) who drank a pint (500ml ) of water before meals lost an average 4 lbs (2kg). Snacking on cucumber is one way to increase water intake.

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Pepper powder: prevents cancer with Piperine exerting protective activity against cancer. It also increases the absorption of other nutrients like Selenium, Curcumin, Beta carotene and B vitamins in the intestine.
  • Cumin powder promotes weight loss. Cumin and lime juice consumption may reduce appetite and increase Lipolysis. A clinical study revealed that cumin lime administration for 8 weeks reduced the BMI and total cholesterol levels in the subjects. Eating cumin powder about 3 g / day with yogurt for 3 months reduced the waist circumference in obese women.It increased HDL levels and cut down the fat mass.
  • Coconut improves oral health with anti microbial and anti bacterial compounds. Swishing coconut oil in the mouth helps decrease Plaque formation and Gingivitis.
  • Green chili has 0 calories; speeds up metabolism by 50% upto 3 hours after eating.
  • Mustard seeds protect skin and cell membrane mucosa from harmful oxygen-free radicals, being an excellent source of vitamin E, (Gamma tocopherol 19.82g/100g 132% )
  • Cilantro leaves: help prevent or treat urinary tract infections with antibacterial properties that help control a broad spectrum of microbes.

Method to make Cucumber Raita

Method 1 with yogurt or Tofu (5 min.)

  • Peel cucumbers and grate using a grater or dice into 1/2″ pieces.
  • Add 1/2 tsp. salt to the cucumber and keep aside.
  • Squeeze out the excess juice and place in a bowl. (save for drink)
  • Beat yogurt or tofu using a whisk.
  • Add squeezed cucumber and mix with 1/2 tsp. salt.
  • Garnish with minced green chili and cilantro leaves.

Method 2 with coconut and mustard seeds (5 min.)

  • Grind coconut & chili and mustard seeds with 2 tbsp. yogurt.
  • Mix ground coconut with whisked yogurt/ tofu and add cucumbers.
  • Heat oil in a small frying pan; add mustard seeds; cover with a lid.
  • When mustard seeds splutter & sound subsides, pour on pachadi.
  • Garnish with chopped cilantro leaves.

Serve Kakadi Raita as a salad, a dip with chips or with Quinoa, Vegetable Pilaf, Biryani.

Mix tomatoes with cucumbers for variety
Variation : Add ” Boondi ” crispy puffed balls made of chickpea flour for a crispy texture
Substitute soft Tofu for Vegan