Spinach with the scientific name “Spinacea Oleracia” is known as the “Superfood or Muscle builder ” in the nutrition world. But kids find it slimy and smelly. Spinach is a cool-weather vegetable related to beets and Swiss chard. Spinach lentil soup is the best way to ensure that kids and adults get all the nutrients of Calcium, Iron, Folate, and vitamin A in one dish. This gourmet spinach soup is an excellent accompaniment to both Rice and Parathas. In this preparation, spinach is boiled, pureed, and mixed with lentils, coconut, and spices.

Growing Spinach: being a fast-growing plant it yields many leaves in a short time. It prefers full sun but will produce a respectable harvest in partial shade. Plant spinach in the cool weather of Spring and Fall. Mix in aged compost or other rich organic matter in the soil before planting. Space Spinach plants 12″ apart in fertile well-drained soil with a pH 6.5 -7. Check soil moisture often or consider using a soaker hose to keep moisture levels consistent.

Buying & Storage: Two varieties are cultivated for their edible leaves. Savoy type with dark green crinkle (wrinkled) leaves and flat-leaf variety with smooth-surfaced leaves. Best available during the winter season. In the market buy fresh leaves featuring dark green color, vitality, and crispiness. Avoid those with dull sunken leaves, yellow discoloration, and spots. Wash them thoroughly under clean water and rinse in saltwater to remove any insecticide residue.
Ways to keep spinach Frozen:
Freeze the spinach to keep for several months 9 -14 months. Blanch the greens in boiling water for 1-2 min. then cool in an icy water bath at the same time. Drain the bath and squeeze the water out by twisting with hands. Take a handful and make a ball of the wet spinach and wrap in plastic wrap, storing them in a large freezer bag. You can wring the water and place them into freezer bags instead of making balls. Use a straw to suck out the air or use a vacuum seal to prevent freezer burns.
You don’t have to blanch if you consume spinach within 6 months. This makes a slimy ball that can be used for baking or cooking.

Story “Keerai Molagootal with gooseberry (Nellikai) or salted green mangoes (kanni mangai) chutney (araichu kalakki) “ is a weekly favorite on the lunch menu in Palghat. Similarly, Daal Palak is a weekly staple eaten with chapatis (Indian flat bread) in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and other northern states.

Spinach Nutrition Facts (Spinacea Oleracia)

GI =15; GL 1 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 23kcal – 1% Sodium 79mg – 5% Folates 19 mug – 48.5%
Carb 3.63g – 6% Potassium 588mg – 12% Niacin 0.724mg – 4.5%
Protein 2.86g – % Calcium 99mg – 10% Pantothenic acid 0.065mg – 1%
Total Fat 0.39g – 1.5% Copper 0.130mg – 14% Pyridoxine 0.195 mg – 15%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Iron 2.71mg -34% Thiamin 0.078mg – 6.5%
Dietary Fiber 2.2g – 6% Magnesium 79 mg – 20% Vitamin A 9377 IU -312%
Beta Carotene 5626mug Manganese 0.897 mg – 39% Vitamin C 28.1 mg – 47%
Crypto Xanthin Beta 0 mug Zinc 0.53mg – 5% Vitamin E 2.03mg – 13.5%
Lutein zea xanthin 12198 mug Vitamin K 482.9 mug – 402%
Spinach nutrition (Spinacia oleracea), raw, values per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Spinach Health Benefits

  • Anemia: Spinach is high in iron content prevents anemia.(2.7 mg /100 g)
  • Antioxidants: Spinach contains polyphenol antioxidants Lutein, Beta carotene, and Zea-xanthin – a rich and potent combination that protects the body from oxygen-derived free radicals that affect the development of various diseases and the aging process.
  • Alzheimer’s disease: Vitamin K reduces neural damage in the brain in Alzheimer’s and can be prevented with regular spinach consumption.
  • Diabetes Management: Alpha-lipoic acid present in spinach has been shown to lower glucose levels, increase insulin activity, and prevent oxidative stress-induced changes in patients with diabetes. Studies have also shown a decrease in peripheral and autonomic neuropathy by alpha-lipoic acid injections.
  • Improve and maintain Eye health: 100g provides 9376 IU of vitamin A, which is 188% of RDA; vitamin A contributes to eye health and skin maintenance. Zeaxanthin a dietary Carotenoid is partially absorbed into the eyes to prevent macular degeneration and provide eyes with protective light filtering properties. Lutein improves eye function and degeneration of the retina. It also reduces tension in the eyes by accumulating in the eye tissues.
  • Fiber: 30% soluble fiber in spinach prevents the body from absorbing fat and cholesterol from food. Fiber also regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels and helps eliminate toxins from the body. Insoluble fiber prevents constipation and helps the digestive system to function properly.
  • Heart disease: Spinach is a good source of healthy omega 3 fatty acids, which helps prevent heart disease, aids the body with energy production. and regulate blood pressure.
  • Immune System: Vitamin C a vital antioxidant boosts the immune system, helps the body fight infections, and cleanses it from oxygen-derived free radicals.
  • Superfood: Spinach contains vitamins A, C, and K, B group vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iron, various antioxidants, fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, and protein.
  • Weight loss: has a Glycemic index GI – 15; perfect vegetable to promote weight loss. Thylakoids in Spinach extend digestion, produce the feeling of satiety and prevent cravings as per a study done by scientists from Lund University. Thylakoids reduce hedonic hunger by 95% and increase weight loss by 43%
  • {https://www.medicaldaily.com/reasons-why-you-should-eat-spinach-thylakoids-make-you-feel-more-full-regulate-blood-glucose-271079}

Note of Caution: people with kidney/ gall bladder/thyroid/gout problems may be affected by the oxalates in spinach that may interfere in calcium absorption. Patients on blood thinners have to be careful with foods containing Vitamin K; too much potassium can be harmful to those with partially functioning kidneys.

Spice Power

  • Turmeric powder: Curcumin a compound in it is an anti-inflammatory and arthritis pain reliever in the knee. (dosage in a study 800 mg used. worked as well as Ibuprofen / Advil) 
  • Red chili /powder: Boosts immunity Chili peppers are rich in Beta Carotene which gets converted to vitamin A essential to maintain healthy mucous membranes that protect the body from invading pathogens.
  • Pepper powder: aids digestion by secreting more hydrochloric acid which is necessary for digesting proteins.
  • Mustard seeds: loaded with vitamins and minerals. provides relief from headache; prevents cancer; strengthens bones, teeth, and gums; good for digestive and cardiovascular health; slows down aging.
  • Cumin seeds/powder: may improve blood cholesterol. In one study 75 mg of cumin taken twice daily for 8 weeks decreased unhealthy blood triglycerides. In another study of 88 women who took 3 g of cumin with yogurt twice a day for 3 months had higher levels of HDL than those who did not include cumin (placebo).
  • Urad lentils regulate diabetes: has the ability to control glucose levels, boost bone health, improves heart health, nourishes the nervous system, and betters kidney health being a diuretic.
  • Coconut: Coconut is rich in fiber content (60% ), slows down glucose release, and relieves stress on the pancreas reducing the risk of getting diabetes.

Method to cook Spinach Soup (Keerai Molagootal)

  • Cook mung lentils in a pan with 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder + 2 cups water in a pressure cooker or on the stove. (20 min.)
  • While the lentils are cooking (parallel cooking time, chop spinach leaves in a food processor; rinse in a colander. (2 min)
  • Boil with spices +1cup water in a pan/cook in the microwave. (5 min)
  • Fry the cumin seeds and white urad lentils and red chili (if using) in hot oil until lentils turn golden. (2 min)
  • Grind them with coconut to a smooth paste in a blender. (2 min)
  • Puree spinach and lentils separately; combine in a saucepan. (2 min)
  • Mix coconut with spinach and lentils in a saucepan and simmer. (3 min.)
  • Heat the oil, add mustard seeds. When the seeds splutter, pour on the hot spinach soup. (1 min.)
  • Dal Palak: Add 1 tsp. cumin powder along with salt & turmeric powder when cooking chopped spinach. Boil cooked dal with cooked spinach. Omit coconut and grinding.
  • Serve Keerai Molagootal / Dal Paalak with Quinoa, Lemon rice, Chapatis or Naan. 

Add a few drops of oil to the boiling water when cooking lentils directly on the stove;add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to retain the rich iron content 
To save time, precook lentils, microwave and puree frozen spinach 
: Substitute coconut with 1/2 can coconut milk
Substitute lentils with Tofu / Sour cream