Jicama is a Mexican yam or Turnip that refers to the name of the vine. It grows as an edible root in the tuberous family. It is a species in the genus Pachyrizus in the bean family. Its flesh is juicy and crunchy; tastes like a cross between a potato and a pear or a water chestnut. Jicama root can be eaten raw in salads, fried in oil like potato fries, cooked into soups, or stir-fried with spices.

History: Jicama is native to Central & S. America but traveled to the Philippines and China and very popular in Asian cuisines. Other names of Jicama are Yambean, Mexican potato or water chestnut, or Chinese turnip.

Guide to Growing Jicama: i) Plant Jicama in an area with full Sun and a sturdy trellis to climb. ii) Space Jicama 12″ apart in warm soil that is well-drained and full of nutrients. iii) Keep soil moist and feed regularly with a continuous release of plant food. iv) Harvest Jicama 150 days after planting
Buying & Storing: Choose firm, fresh, thin-skinned tubers that are free from cracks, bruises, blemishes or discoloration. Store unwrapped at cool room temperature or in the refrigerator, free from moisture for 2-3 weeks. 1 lb yields 3 cups chopped or shredded vegetable.

Jicama Nutrition facts (Pachyrisus Erosus) 100g raw

GI = 17 GL 10 Water 90.07 Minerals Vitamins
Energy Cal…. 38 Calcium (Ca)…. 12 mg Vitamin C ….20.2 mg
Carb…..8.82 g Iron (Fe)….0.6 mg Thiamin….0.02mg
Fiber ….4.9g Magnesium (Mg)….12 mg Riboflavin…. 0.03mg
Sugars….1.8g Phosphorous (P)….18mg Niacin….0.2mg
Protein ….0.72g Potassium (K)….150mg Pantothenic acid….0.14mg
Water ….90.07 g Sodium(Na)….4mg Vitamin B6 ….0.06mg
Ash….0.3g Zinc (Zn)….0.16mg Folate ….12 mcg
Copper(Cu)….0.05mg Choline…. 13.6 mg
Manganese(Mn)….0.06mg Vitamin A….21 IU
Selenium(Se)….0.7mcg Vitamin E …0.46mg
Vitamin K….0.3mcg
https://foodstruct.com/food/j%C3%ADcama Sources include : USDA [3]

Health Benefits of Jicama

  • Jicama has anti-cancer potential: with dietary fiber against colon and duodenal cancer. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant assisting to neutralize the effects of free radicals.
  • Jicama boosts the immune system: with vitamin C 100g 3/4 cup provides 40% of RDA; it stimulates white blood cells which are the body’s defense against fighting bacterial, fungal, viral, or pathogenic diseases.
  • Jicama improves digestion with high amounts of dietary fiber to aid constipation condition.
  • Jicama helps Diabetics by not worrying about sugar fluctuations with a soluble fiber “oligofructose inulin” a sweet carb that does not metabolize into simple sugars. It controls blood glucose by increasing insulin sensitivity thus reducing blood sugar levels.
  • Jicama manages blood pressure: it is a rich source of potassium that acts as a vasodilator and reduces the tension in blood vessels and arteries.
  • Jicama improves blood circulation by being a rich source of copper and iron which are important elements of red blood cells that allow oxygenated blood to flow through the body and may prevent anemia.
  • Jicama improves brain function with vitamin B6 preserving the brain’s health and cognitive abilities. It is also integral in breaking down protein into usable amino acids maximizing metabolic processes and efficiency of organs.
  • Jicama strengthens bones with minerals magnesium, manganese, iron, and copper by boosting bone mineral density and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Jicama helps with weight loss by being low in calories and filled with nutrients, water, and fiber.
  • A word of Caution: The root of Jicama is edible but the rest of the plant is toxic. Be careful not to eat the seed pods, leaves, or vines. Besides that it is a healthy choice that can bring you a number of health benefits.

Spice Health Benefits

  • Turmeric powder: detoxifies the liver, helps arthritis, may aid in fat metabolism and weight management, may prevent metastases from occurring in different forms of cancer, boosts the effect of chemotherapy drug paclitaxel, and reduce its side effects; speeds up wound healing and assist in the remodeling of damaged skin
  • Red chili powder: capsaicin present reduces inflammation and pain. It also enhances cognitive function, aids in weight loss helps the heart, and relieves nasal congestion.
  • Mustard seeds: aids in helping reduce the severity of asthma, speeds up metabolism, stimulates and aids digestion, inhibits cancer cell growth, decreases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, lowers high blood pressure, soothes sore throats, bronchitis, and pneumonia, helps heal bee stings
  • Carom (ajwain) seeds offer instant relief from acidity and indigestion (1tsp. cumin+1 tsp. carom seeds + 1/2 tsp. ginger powder; mix with 1/2 cup water and drink daily). Ajwain water consumption(boil 2 tsp. of roasted ajwain in 1 cup water) regularly is known to increase the rate of metabolism, burn fat, help lose weight, and act as a mouth wash. Ajwain oil is effective for ear and toothache. Thymol in it acts as a strong germicide to clean wounds. Ajwain seeds mixed with mustard oil acts as a mosquito repellant. To stop premature graying cook ajwain seeds with curry leaves, raisins, and sugar in 1 cup water & drink daily for 2 weeks.
  • Green chili has 0 calories, rev up the metabolism; protects against cancer – antioxidants that remove free radicals. act as natural scavengers. Keeps prostate problems at bay. Reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Increases fibrinolytic activity that prevents the formation of blood clots which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
  • Coconut: provides you good fats, coconut water keeps you hydrated, improves skin health, boosts the immune system, fights bacteria, ensures healthy teeth and bones, and eliminates scalp infections.

How to cook Jicama Stir fry

  • Peel and cut Jicama and carrots into cubes. Rinse and place in a pan.
  • Cook with spices in 2 cups water in a microwave/stove. (15 min.)
  • Heat coconut oil and add mustard and ajwain seeds.
  • Add cooked vegetables and stir until all water has evaporated
  • Crush green chilies and coconut and garnish the Jicama.

Serve with Quinoa, brown rice, Naan’s or Parathas.


Variation: Use mushrooms, spinach, kale or Swiss chard with sautéed onions