Mushroom is not a vegetable but a fungus, chewy and has no taste but can absorb some of the spices it is cooked in. Formerly it was not included in many cuisines in India. When the British introduced them it became acceptable in the army canteens and served as a soup. It is now being included regularly in the Indian diet since it is rich in protein. It is added for variety in many dishes, especially during convalescence after an illness like flu or cold, to feed the elderly and children in the family. Pasta combined with vegetables releases serotonin, boosting our moods, thus making one happy. This soup is a meal in a dish where beans and macaroni are combined with mushrooms, to make a heartwarming bowl.

Buying & Storage Edible & fleshy button or portabella mushrooms possess a mild earthy flavor. Their cap size varies from 1/2″ to 3″ and color from white to tan. They are sold in bulk or in 8 – 16 oz. packages. When buying mushrooms, look for those that are firm and evenly colored, with tightly closed caps. They are past their prime if gills are showing.

History: Mushroom’s name is derived from the French word for fungi. Around 1650 a French farmer discovered them growing on his growth fertilizer. He decided to grow it commercially and introduce it to exclusive Parisian restaurants. Later the French gardener Chambray developed the growth of mushrooms in the caves around Paris since he found the temperature and moist conditions in the caves were found to be optimal.

Nutrition Facts of Mushroom (Agaricus Bisphorus)100g raw

GI = 32 GL = 2 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 22 cal 1% Sodium 5mg 0.5% Folates 17mcg
Carb. 3.26g 5% Potassium218mg 7% Niacin 3607mg23 %
Protein 2.16g 4% Calcium 3mg <1% Pant.acid 1497mg 27%
Total Fat 0.34 g 1% Copper .318mg 35% Riboflavin 0.402mg31%
Dietary Fiber 1g 3% Iron 0.5mg 6% Pyridoxine 0.104mg 8%
Magnesium 9mg 2% Thiamin 0.81mg 7%
Phosphorous 86mg 12% Vitamin C 2.1mg 3.5%
Selenium 9.3mcg 17% Vitamin D 7 IU 1%
Zinc 0.52mg 15%
Button mushroom (Agaricus bisphorus), fresh, Nutritive value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base) 

Health Benefits of Mushroom

  • Mushroom boosts the immune system : Eating Shitake mushrooms daily improves immunity as per a clinical study conducted at the University of Florida’s Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.
  • Mushroom has anti-inflammatory properties: Button mushrooms possess anti-inflammatory properties helping with joint swellings.
  • Mushroom prevents respiratory infections: Consuming mushrooms may help prevent respiratory infections as per a 2012 study published in Nutrition magazine.
  • Mushroom helps treat obesity: Mushrooms may be able to alter gut bacteria which could help treat obesity, as per a 2015 study published in the journal Nature.

Spice Health Benefits 

  • Bay Leaf improves digestive, heart, and hair health, reduces anxiety and stress, helps in cancer prevention and diabetes management.
  • Pepper powder: boosts absorption of nutrients, may promote gut health, may offer pain relief, and reduce appetite.
  • Cumin Powder: may improve blood cholesterol and blood sugar control; may promote weight loss and fat reduction.
  • Cinnamon powder: (120g / day) may cut the risk of heart disease by reducing levels of total cholesterol, bad LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Method to make Mushroom Macaroni soup

  • Soak beans in 1 cup hot water for 2 hours or overnight.
  • Wash and cook beans with 2 cups of water in a saucepan. (20 min.)
  • Cook macaroni in 4 cups boiling water, rinse, and keep aside. (10 min.)
  • Wash, wipe, and slice mushrooms, while beans and macaroni cook.
  • Peel and finely chop onions. Keep aside.
  • Blanch tomatoes, peel skin, and puree in a blender. Keep aside. (5 min.)
  • Heat oil in a saucepan. Add onions and sauté until translucent. (2 min.)
  • Add flour and stir continuously, until it forms a Rue. (a paste )
  • Add mushrooms, tomato puree, 1 cup water; bring to a boil. (3 min.)
  • Add cooked beans, macaroni, and spices. Allow simmering. (5 min.)
  • Fry puffed rice or bread cubes in 1 tbsp. oil or ghee. Use it to garnish the soup. (2 min.)

Serve Mushroom Macaroni Soup with Croutons, Garlic Bread, Quinoa or Rice.

To save time: Substitute canned tomato juice for fresh; canned beans and macaroni
Variation: Substitute flour with 1 tbsp. quick-cooking oatmeal to thicken the soup