Bitter melon, also known as Fooqua, Balsam pear, or bitter gourd is a member of the squash family. It is oblong in shape, resembles a cucumber, but with bumps. Bitter melon’s health benefits are due to its active ingredients Momordicins. Cucurbitacin B, and Glycosides. Bitter melon powder, extract from leaf, or oil from seeds are used for medicinal purposes. It has been used as a remedy for diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases. 
Why eat such an offensively flavored melon? Its bitterness is unique and memorable. Many Asian culinary traditions embrace it besides Central and South America. The Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, and Filipinos counter the bitterness with spicy, sweet, or savory components. In Indonesia bitter melon is used in salads stir-fried, cooked in coconut milk, or steamed. The Vietnamese fill the melon with ground pork in steamed dishes or soup. Thai cooks combine powerful bird’s eye chilies with the bitter melon and generous amounts of fish sauce. In China cooks stir-fry slices of the melon with pungent fermented black beans and ground pork adding red chilies to taste. 
In Indian cooking, the bitter melon is sauteed, stuffed with peanuts, cooked with lentils, or sundried and deep-fried like chips to make it more palatable.

History Bitter Melon’s origin can be traced back to India which spread to other countries 600 years ago. It has been in use all over southeast Asia for hundreds of years and has been widely used in S. America, the Caribbean, and other tropical regions around the world. It is a staple among many cultures in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-allergenic, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and expectorant qualities.

Buying & storage: Two varieties are grown: Chinese 20 – 30 cm long light green skin; Indian 15-20 cm dark green skin. Both contain fibrous seeds that should be discarded. Choose melons that are green, 5 -12″ long for a bitter flavor, and yellow/ orange melon for a milder one, available in most Asian markets. Peak season April – September. Bitter melon tea, canned melons for soups, or dried melons for frying are also available.

Nutrition Facts of Bitter Melon ( Momordica Charantia) 100g raw %DV

GI = 32 ; GL = 1
Water 87.4 g
Minerals Vitamins
Energy 17 kcal <1% Sodium 5mg<1% Folates 72mcg – 18%
Carb 3.7g – 3% Potassium 296mg – 6% Niacin 0.4mg – 2.5%
Protein 1 g -2% Calcium 19mg -2% Pantothenic acid 0.212mg -4%
Total Fat 0.17g – 0.5% Copper 0.034mg -4% Pyridoxine – 0.043mg -3%
Cholesterol 0mg – 0% Iron 0.43mg – 5% Riboflavin – 0.04mg – 3%
Dietary Fiber 2.8g -7% Magnesium 17mg – 4% Thiamin – 0.04mg – 3.5%
Beta Carotene 190 mcg Manganese 0.089mg – 4% Vitamin A 471IU – 16%
Alpha Carotene 185 mcg Zinc 0.8mg – 7% Vitamin C 84mg – 140%
Lurein zea xanthin 170 mcg
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Bitter Melon 

  • Bitter melon juice is effective in diabetes, maintaining blood sugar levels, lowering blood cholesterol levels, for glowing skin & lustrous hair, help with weight loss, cures hangover and cleanses the liver, boosts your immune system, and great for your eyes with beta carotene and vitamin A preventing vision-related problems like cataract.
  • Immunity enhancer: Bitter melon is abundant in antioxidants that attack free radicals within the body and eliminate other harmful compounds that may cause illnesses and line up a defense against viruses.100g bitter melon provides over 80g of vitamin C
  • Sharper vision: Bitter melon contains eye health-improving flavonoids Alpha & Beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These compounds enhance eyesight and night vision as well as decelerate macular degeneration. They play a crucial role in fighting the effects of aging, eliminating oxygen-derived free radicals.
  • Hemorrhoid relief: Bitter melon contains anti-inflammatory properties beneficial to those with piles or Hemorrhoids. A salve made with the roots applied to the venous swelling alleviates pain and stops bleeding.
  • Asthma relief: Bitter melon has anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.which makes an ideal supplementary food in maintaining good respiratory health and helps promote sound sleep.
  • Helps treat HIV and Herpes: The phytochemical composition of bitter melon inhibits the activity of HIV. It provides addictive effects in combination with AIDS treatment. It can treat patients with the Herpes virus with its antiviral properties.
  • Help treat skin conditions: Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine has been using bitter melon for the treatment of skin infections like ringworm, scabies, and autoimmune disease psoriasis. Apply extracted juice or salve to the affected areas.…

Spice Power

  • Peanut powder: Peanuts have more protein than any nut (7g/100g) and are an excellent source of ( 20% of the Daily Value). Niacin is an important vitamin that converts Food to energy, aids with the digestive and nervous system, and helps the skin.
  • Coconut flakes:Coconut flakes (white kernel) are rich in phytosterols, (cholesterol like compounds found in nuts and legumes), and have been shown to naturally reduce cholesterol in the blood.They are also rich in fiber 1cup serving provides 29% of Daily Value.
  • Green chili: aids in digestion by secreting more saliva in the mouth enabling chewing of food properly; keeps your skin healthy and glowing with Vitamin C; helps in weightloss by burning excess fats in the body and increases the metabolism; good for diabetes by taking care of the increased sugar level and creating balance in the body
  • Garlic powder: may reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, support the prevention and progression of cancer, reduce blood gluose levels and and support the prevention of diabetes, support liver health, immune system function and prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • Tamarind pulp: The polyphenols in tamarind have anti -oxidant and anti- inflammatory properties.These can protect against heart disease, cancer nd diabetes.The seed extract may help lower sugar and pulp extract may help one lose body weight.
  • Coriander powder: rich in immune boosting anti oxidants, may help lower blood sugar; may promote digestion and protect brain health and benefit heart health; may protect skin and fight infections.
  • Cumin powder: is a rich source of iron, relieves indigestion; may prevent food borne illnesses; may help with drug dependence; may promote weightloss and fat reduction; may improve blood cholesterol.
  • Mango powder: Mangoes contain phenolic compounds that are powerful antioxidants having anti cancer properties. It reduces acidity, improves digestion and enhances bowel movements. It helps the body in detoxification being rich in vitamins A, C ,D, B6 & Beta carotenes. It also helps to control blood pressure with potassium and diabetes by having a low glycemic index.
  • Red chili powder: fights inflammation and pain; promotes digestives health; aids in weight loss; enhances cognitive function; helps the heart; relieves nasal congestion.
  • Cloves: high in anti oxidants, may help protect against cancer, can kill bacteria, may promote oral health, bone health and liver health and may reduce stomach ulcers.

Method  to cook Stuffed Bitter Melon

To make stuffing 

  • Peel and chop onion fine. Mince green chili, garlic, and curry leaves.
  • Sauté onions with green herbs and spice powders in 1 tbsp. oil. 
  • Mix fried onions with peanut powder and coconut. (5 min.)
  • Slit bitter gourd lengthwise; remove seeds. 
  • Fill the bitter melon shells with stuffing. (2 min.)
  • To Sauté stuffed bitter melons
  • Wrap a string around each or pierce with toothpicks to hold the halves. 
  • Heat the remaining oil in a nonstick frying pan; add stuffed bitter melons. 
  • Dissolve the tamarind paste in 1/2 cup water, add to bitter melons. 
  • Cover with a lid; allow to cook. (8 min.)
  • Sauté on medium heat until they turn light brown. (5 min.)

Serve Bhara Karela with Quinoa, Brown Rice, Parathas, Chapatis or Multi grain bread.

Substitute peanut powder with peanut butter or chickpea flour