Pizza with no grains became the inspiration to create this recipe. The challenge was to find the binder to hold the cauliflower together. Corn flour or Chickpea flour seems to work well when combined with cauliflower as the crust. The oven temperature has to be controlled at 300 F so that the cauliflower doesn’t’ get burnt during baking.

Story: Necessity is the mother of invention. The need for a less carb & no grain diet by health-conscious people was the cause to develop a pizza with cauliflower with low calories.

Cauliflower Nutrition Facts

GI = 15 (low) GL= 2 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 25 cal 1% Sodium 30 mg 2% Folates 57 mcg 14%
Carb. 4.97g 4% Potassium 299 mg 6% Niacin 0.507 mg 3%
Protein 1.92g 4% Calcium 22 mg 2% Pantothenic acid 0.667 mg 13%
Total fat 0.28g 1% Copper 0.03 9mg 4.5% Pyridoxine 0.184 mg 14%
Dietary Fiber 2g 5% Iron 0.42mg 5% Riboflavin 0.060 mg 4.5%
Cholesterol 0mg 0% Magnesium 15mg 3.5% Thiamin 0.050 mg 4%
Photo nutrients Manganese 0.155 mg 7% Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Carotene B 0 mcg Zinc 0.27 mg 2.5% Vitamin C 48.2mg 80%
Lutein Zeaxanthin 1 mcg Vitamin E 0.08 mg 0.5%
Vitamin K 15.5mcg 13%
Cauliflower Nutrition profile per 100g raw
Source USDA National Nutrition database

Health benefits of Cauliflower

  • Cauliflower consumption may help prevent Cancer: Studies have shown that indole-3-carbinol present in cauliflower has chemopreventive and anti-estrogen effects, that help in hampering the growth of uterine cancer cells.
  • Cauliflower may prevent Stomach disorders: Dietary fiber in cauliflower aids in digestion and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. The presence of Glucosinolate, Glucoraphanin, and Sulforaphane protects the stomach lining and defends by resisting the growth of Heliobacter pylori bacteria. In addition, dietary Isothiocyanates prevent the risk of stomach ulcers and colon cancer.

Spice Health Power

  • Turmeric powder: improves brain function by boosting cognitive abilities and memory retention. It can also protect neural pathways from long term oxidative stress and the build-up of plaque. A study by Dr. Yousef Tizabi and his team, of Howard University College of Medicine have proven the anti-depressant-like effects of curcumin in a rat model.
  • White Pepper powder: It improves the immune system and tones the body. It can prevent cancer by blocking the formation of free radicals. It also helps in weight loss due to capsaicin, which burns fat in the body.
  • Curry powder:  can help prevention of cancer, protect against heart disease and Alzheimer’s, pain relief, and inflammation reduction.
  • Oregano:  can prevent the onset of chronic diseases, improve digestion and heart health, detoxify the body, boost energy levels, and even protect against diabetes.
  • Mint leaves: aid in digestion: their aroma helps activate the salivary glands in the mouth as well as the glands which secrete the digestive enzymes to facilitate digestion.

Method to cook Cauliflower Pizza

  • Remove the base and leaves from cauliflower; cut into big pieces.
  • Rice the cauliflower in a food processor.  (3 min.)
  • Add salt and spices; make a dough combining flour and water with the cauliflower. Mix herbs in and roll the cauliflower into a ball.
  • Flatten on a greased pizza plate with an oiled rolling pin to make a circle of even thickness – – 1/2″ thick. (7 min.)
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 300 F. (15 min.)
  • Remove Pizza from oven; spread tomato paste and sprinkle cheese.
  • Return pizza to the oven and bake until cheese has melted.(5 min)

Serve Pizza by itself .


Use non dairy cheese for vegans
