Cabbage Thoran is served as one of the seven vegetable medley for any Indian feast for birthdays or weddings on a banana leaf. Sauteed cabbage is a tasty variation when compared with the boiled preparation. In this dish, cabbage is sauteed in coconut oil. It is combined with lentils to enrich with protein and garnished with coconut and green chilies to add flavor and taste. 

Buying & Storing Choose a cabbage with fresh, crisp-looking leaves that are firmly packed and a head that is heavy for its size. Red cabbage lasts longer than white ones. Cabbage can be tightly wrapped and refrigerated for a week.

Story At a staff lunch for Christmas celebration at Sears, lunch was served. Me being a vegetarian, my boss pointed me to eat from the vegetable section, where I had to choose between Lettuce salad & Coleslaw made of raw white cabbage with mayonnaise. which turned out to be a novelty for me.

Nutrition Facts of Cabbage(Brassica ole racia var. capitata) 100g raw

GI=15 GL= 2 Minerals Vitamins
Water 92.18 Calcium (Ca) 40 mg Vitamin C 36.6 mg
Energy kcal 25 Iron (Fe) 0.47mg Thiamin 0.06mg
Protein g 1.28 Magnesium (Mg) 12 mg Riboflavin 0.04mg
Fat g 0.1 Phosphorous P 26 mg Niacin 0.23mg
Sugar g 3.2 Potassium (K) 170 mg Pantothenic acid 0.21 mg
Fluoride (F) 1 mcg Sodium (Na) 18 mg Vitamin B6 0.12 mg
Zinc (Zn) 0.18 mg Folate 43 mcg
Copper (Cu) 0.02 mg Choline 10.7mg
Manganese(Mn) 0.16 mg Vitamin A 98 IU
Selenium (Se) 0.3 mcg Vitamin E 0.15 mg
Vitamin K 76 mcg

Cabbage Health Benefits

  • Blood pressure: potassium in cabbage acts as a vasodilator, easing the flow of blood in arteries and veins without constriction.
  • Rich source of vitamin C than oranges. As the best antioxidant, cabbage reduces free radicals to prevent premature aging, immune system boosting, and depression. Cabbage aids proper functioning of the nervous system and speeds up the healing of damaged tissues and wounds.
  • Bone health: minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium present in cabbage are essential for the protection of bones from degradation with the onset of osteoporosis.

Spice Health Benefits

  • Mustard seeds: Glucosinolates and Isothiocyanate present in them may reduce a person’s cancer risk by preventing cancer cell formation and growth.
  • Fennel seeds are a rich source of potassium that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Chewing on fennel seeds helps increase the nitrate content in saliva that can keep a check on blood pressure levels.
  • Turmeric powder: Curcumin is a natural potent anti-inflammatory agent having properties to prevent inflammation activity with no gastric side effects.
  • Green chili: rich in vitamin C that helps release saliva when chewing; helps in proper digestion of food and maintains health & glow of the skin.
  • Curry leaves: lower cholesterol levels with antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that forms LDL (bad)which in turn increases HDL(good)
  • Coconut: is loaded with sterile electrolytes that feed the body’s pH and muscle function.

Method to cook Cabbage Sauté

Veg prep : (10 min.)

  • Peel the outer leaves; quarter the head and remove core.
  • Slice cabbage lengthwise and crosscut again into small pieces.
  • OR Use a food processor to chop the cabbage fine.
  • Wash cut cabbage twice in water; drain in a colander.

Quick Microwave method

  • Cook cabbage with salt & turmeric in the microwave. (8 min.)
  • Heat oil in a frying pan; add spices and let mustard seeds splutter.
  • Add cooked cabbage and sauté well stirring intermittently. ( 2 min.)
  • Garnish with coconut crushed with green chili and sprinkle fennel seeds powder.

Alternate direct heat. stir- fry method

  • Add chopped cabbage to the pan after mustard seeds pop.
  • Cover with a lid having a rim, pour 1 cup water, and cook on medium heat.
  • Continue to stir cabbage at two-minute intervals until sauteed. ( 8-10 min.)
  • Garnish with coconut crushed with green chili and sprinkle fennel seeds powder.

Serve cabbage with Quinoa, Lemon rice, Chapatis, Spaghetti or Bread rolls.

Separated outer leaves can be rolled and chopped together
Cabbage has a unique smell when boiled; sauteing prevents it