Aalu Dum a.k.a. “king of potatoes” was served for feasts in the royal courts of Emperor Akbar during the Mughal empire’s rule in India. In this gourmet dish for parties, potatoes are stuffed with almonds and cooked in a creamy gravy using the “Dum” process in a sealed frying pan shaped like a wok.

Buying & storage: A variety of potatoes are grown in U.S.A : Starchy: Idaho or Russet – used for mashing; Less starchy: Blue potatoes – chips or salads Waxy: Red Bliss or New Potatoes hold shape well after cooking – used for roasting, boiling; All-purpose: Yukon gold – medium starch content. All potatoes picked, red, white, or blue should be firm, well-shaped, and blemish-free. They can be stored in a cool, well-ventilated place for two weeks. Refrigerating potatoes will make them turn dark when cooked.

Story: The Maharajah of Kashmir (a descendant of Mughals) wanted to entertain the British Viceroy and the soldiers during their visit with the potatoes they had brought as a gift. His chef invented the stuffed potatoes stuffing them with cottage cheese, dry fruits, and spices that were grown in abundance locally.

Potato Nutrition Facts

GI =85; GL=8 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 77 kCal(4%) Sodium 6mg (0.4%) Folates 15 mug (4%)
Carb 17.49g (13%) Potassium 425mg (9%) Niacin 1.061mg (6%)
Protein 2.05g (4%) Calcium 12mg (1%) Pantothenic acid 0.279 mg (6%)
Fat 0.1g (0.5%) Iron 0.81mg (10%) Pyridoxine 0.298mg (23%)
Cholesterol 0 mg (0%) Magnesium 23mg ( 6%) Riboflavin 0.032mg (2.5%)
Dietary Fiber 2.1g (5%) Manganese 0.141mg ( 6%) Thiamin 0.081mg (7%)
Vitamin K 2mcg ( 2%) Phosphorous 57mg (8%) Vitamin A 2 IU (<1%)
Zinc 0.3mg ( 3%) Vitamin C 19.7mg (33%)
Potato nutrition, flesh, and skin, all varieties, the value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Health Benefits of potatoes

  • Potatoes are effective in reducing inflammation both internal and external. Water obtained from boiling potatoes can relieve the pain and inflammation of rheumatism.
  • People suffering from arthritis and gout can eat potatoes for anti-inflammatory impact.
  • Saffron in minute quantities may possess antioxidant, antidepressant, and anti-cancer properties.

Spice Power

  • Red chili powder contributes to red blood cell formation being rich in copper, iron and folic acid which help in red blood cell production and prevent anemia.
  • Garam masala fights diabetes with cinnamon’s potential ability to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Ginger powder helps to support memory a study conducted on 60 women who were given ginger extract for 2 months found that ginger enhances attention and cognitive processing abilities with no side effects.
  • Pepper powder enables weight loss its outermost layer contains phytonutrients which help break down fat cells and increase metabolism. (a pinch is enough or sweating will be induced to get rid of water and toxins).
  • Cardamom powder counteracts colorectal cancer up to 48%.
  • Saffron boosts cognitive function and prevents Alzheimers disease.

Gravy health benefits

  • Cashew nuts: contain a high amount of Lutein and Zeaxanthin that protect eyes from light damage and help decrease the instance of cataracts.
  • Poppy seeds: boosts the immune system – Zinc”s presence (1 tbsp -. 0.7 mg 5%) stimulates the production of white blood cells and boosts the body’s response to foreign substances or agents.

Method to make Stuffed Potatoes (Aalu Dum)

Preparing potatoes (15 min.)

  • Peel and cut out barrel shapes from potatoes.
  • Scoop out the center leaving 1″ walls on the sides & base.
  • Prick potatoes with a fork; place in a bowl of salted water for 5 min.
  • Rinse and drain potatoes in a colander.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan; deep-fry potatoes on medium heat, until golden.
  • Drain on a paper towel ; allow to cool; save oil for later use.

Making fresh cottage cheese (optional) (5 min.)

  • Boil 4 cups of whole milk in a pan on stove/microwave.
  • Squeeze lemon juice from one lemon. Add to the boiling milk to split.
  • Drain cottage cheese in a colander.

Filling: (5 min.)

  • Clean, wash & chop cilantro leaves; peel, grate ginger; mince chilies.
  • Mix drained cottage cheese with milk powder in a bowl.
  • Add almonds & herbs to the cheese mixture. Divide into 8 equal portions.
  • Stuff each scooped potato with a portion of the filling.

Gravy: (10 min.)

  • Peel & chop the onion into small pieces.
  • Heat in a frying pan 1 tbsp. of the saved oil; sauté onions until golden.
  • Grind onions, cashew nuts, poppy seeds + 1/2 cup water to make a paste.
  • Whisk the yogurt/cream in a bowl; keep aside.
  • Heat 3 tbsp. of saved oil in a pan; add whisked yogurt and stir.
  • Add onion paste; heat until yogurt/cream leaves sides of the pan.
  • Add salt & spices (except saffron) + 2 cups water; heat until gravy froths.

The “Dum” Process: (10 min.)

  • Remove the gravy from heat and add the stuffed potatoes.
  • Sprinkle saffron and cover with a lid.
  • Make sealing paste: mix 1 tbsp. all-purpose flour + 1 tsp. water.
  • Seal the edges of the lid with flour paste.
  • Cook Aalu Dum over low heat.
  • Pierce the seal open and transfer the finished Aalu Dum into a bowl.
  • Garnish with slivered almonds.

Serve Aalu Dum with Quinoa, Parathas, Pooris, Naan or Burger buns.

Time Saver: Use store-bought cottage cheese (Paneer) from the Indian store; use canned whole baby potatoes; drain the liquid
Substitute cream/yogurt with 1 cup greek yogurt

Use non-dairy cheese and cream for vegans
Aalu = potatoes; Dum dena= sealed







