Potato Stew is a mild semi solid dish suitable during convalescence being easily digestible. Stewing tenderizes vegetables and allows flavors of spices to permeate. In Kerala cuisine vegetables are cooked in coconut milk. Potato stew is cooked with ginger and pepper in a white gravy of coconut milk. This stew is a nutritious dish for young children as well as seniors. It is usually served with AAPAMS ( rice hoppers made in a small round bottomed frying pan), Rice Noodles (Sevai) or Dosai (Pancake).

Buying and Storage: Look for potatoes that are firm and have a smooth waxy surface. Potatoes have many eyes on their surface. Avoid those with cuts, patches & bruises. Often you may come across greenish coloration with sprouts on their surface that indicates old stock. Store potatoes in a cool, dry & dark place in a basket. Exposure to sunlight may form toxic alkaloid “solanine”.

Story: Years ago my grandma made Yam (Chenai) stew from freshly dug out yams in her vegetable garden, which tasted super delicious when I visited her in Trichur with my father, mother, and siblings. My husband is allergic to yams and so I substituted it with potatoes. My grand children love this creamy stew when served with rice noodles or Dosais.

Potato Nutrition Facts (Solanum Tuberosum) 100g raw

GI =85; GL=8 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 77 kCal.(4%) Sodium 6mg (0.4%) Folates 15 mug (4%)
Carb 17.49g (13%) Potassium 425mg (9%) Niacin 1.061mg (6%)
Protein 2.05g (4%) Calcium 12mg (1%) Pantothenic acid 0.279 mg (6%)
Fat 0.1g (0.5%) Iron 0.81mg (10%) Pyridoxine 0.298mg (23%)
Cholesterol 0 mg ( 0%) Magnesium 23mg ( 6%) Riboflavin 0.032mg (2.5%)
Dietary Fiber 2.1g (5%) Manganese 0.141mg ( 6%) Thiamin 0.081mg (7%)
Vitamin K 2mcg (2%) Phosphorous 57mg (8%) Vitamin A 2 IU (<1%)
Zinc 0.3mg (3%) Vitamin C 19.7mg (33%)
Potato nutrition, flesh, and skin, all varieties, the value per 100 g.raw %DV
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Health Benefits of potatoes

  • One medium potato with skin provides nearly half the RDA of vitamin C that helps repair tissue wear and tear.
  • Potatoes are rich in potassium that is concentrated just beneath the skin. So eating potato with skin is more beneficial.
  • Potatoes also contain iron, phosphorous and zinc which are good for the skin.
  • Calcium and magnesium present in potatoes help to provide relief from rheumatism.

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Coconut milk: strong immunity 1 cup coconut milk has 1.3 mg of zinc (11-15%) important for cell development and growth, plus energy production
  • Pepper powder: cancer prevention – Piperine in pepper with turmeric is more potent in fighting cancer cells with flavonoids, carotenes, and vitamin A & C
  • Green chili: Capsaicin present in green chili has been found to lower body temperature in the hypothalamus in the brain.
  • Ginger: supports healthy blood sugar levels. 2 g of ginger supplement taken for 12 weeks by participants in a clinical study reduced levels of fasting blood sugar by 12%
  • Curry leaves: have anti-diabetic properties due to the presence of iron, zinc, and copper in them. Research has shown that the leaves’ antihyperglycemic properties are beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels.

Method to make Potato Stew (Aalu Rassa)

  • Steam potatoes in skin on stove or microwave . (10 min.)
  • Peel and slice onions into thin strips.
  • Peel and grate ginger; mince green chili; crush both to a paste.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan. Add onions and saute until translucent.
  • Add the ginger paste and pepper powder.
  • Make thin milk by mixing 1/2 can coconut milk + 1/2 can water.
  • Pour thin milk on onions; let it simmer
  • Cool and slice potatoes with skin.
  • Add potatoes and allow to stew in the thin milk. (5 min.)
  • Simmer on low heat. Allow the stew to froth but not boil.
  • Remove from heat; add remaining milk to top up.
  • Garnish with chopped curry leaves.

Serve Aalu Rassa with Quinoa, Bulgur, Rice noodles, Idli, Dosa, Bread rolls or Naan.

To save time use canned or pre-boiled potatoes
Vegans: you can Substitute coconut milk with 2 cups of almond / soy milk
Variation : Mix potatoes with cauliflower, green pepper or peas
Sprinkle freshly ground pepper as garnish for maximum benefits
Aalu = potato; Rassa = stew