Potato: scientific name “ Solanum tuberosum” is a member of the nightshade family and a perennial. They were originally cultivated by ancient Incas 10,000 thousand years ago. When the British introduced potatoes to India, every state came up with its own recipe. Since potatoes can absorb different spices, they are cooked in different ways in Indian cuisine: mashed, curried, pan-roasted, stewed, cooked in tomato gravy, stuffed or deep-fried snacks like triangular pastries (Samosas), round balls (Batata vada, Bonda), fritters (Bhajias), etc. that make an array of mouth-watering dishes. Cooking potatoes with any other bright colored vegetable will boost the antioxidant power of the meal – with Broccoli, green, red, yellow, or orange Bell Peppers, Peas, Spinach, or Fenugreek leaves.
An enhanced form of mashed potatoes is used to stuff thin rice crepes/pancakes called Dosa. This filling for “Masala Dosa” (crepe) has potatoes sautéed with onions, carrots, and spices.

Buying & Storage: A variety of potatoes are grown in U.S.A : Starchy: Idaho or Russet – used for mashing; Less starchy: Blue potatoes – chips or salads Waxy: Red Bliss or New Potatoes hold shape well after cooking – used for roasting, boiling; All-purpose: Yukon gold – medium starch content. All potatoes picked, red, white, or blue should be firm, well-shaped, and blemish-free. They can be stored in a cool, well-ventilated place for two weeks. Refrigerating potatoes will make them turn dark when cooked.

History: Potato is the world’s 4th largest food crop. The Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate it around 8000-5000 BC. In 1536 Spanish conquistadors conquered Peru, discovered potato, and carried them to Europe. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes to Ireland in 1589 on 40000 acres in Cork. It then spread to other countries. Agriculturists learned that the potato contained most of the vitamins needed for sustenance and could feed 10 people for each acre of land cultivated.

Story: During the 9 days Navrathri festival in Mysore, the maharajah follows the palanquin of the deity in procession and gives a feast to the public. He asked his chef to substitute rice with a sumptuous snack. Dosas were popular but needed stuffing for a fulfilling meal. So potatoes were embellished with sambhar spices and used as stuffing to make masala for the dosa (crepe), which was again smeared with a chili paste prior to the potato stuffing to make it spicier. Thus was born the Aalu masala for the Mysore Masala Dosa.

Nutrition Facts of Potato
(Solanum Tuberosum) 100g raw

GI =85; GL=8 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 77 kCal.(4%) Sodium 6mg (0.4%) Folates 15 mug (4%)
Carb 17.49g (13%) Potassium 425mg (9%) Niacin 1.061mg (6%)
Protein 2.05g (4%) Calcium 12mg (1%) Pantothenic acid 0.279 mg (6%)
Fat 0.1g (0.5%) Iron 0.81mg (10%) Pyridoxine 0.298mg (23%)
Cholesterol 0 mg ( 0%) Magnesium 23mg ( 6%) Riboflavin 0.032mg (2.5%)
Dietary Fiber 2.1g (5%) Manganese 0.141mg ( 6%) Thiamin 0.081mg (7%)
Vitamin K 2mcg (2%) Phosphorous 57mg (8%) Vitamin A 2 IU (<1%)
Zinc 0.3mg (3%) Vitamin C 19.7mg (33%)
Potato nutrition, flesh, and skin, all varieties, the value per 100 g.raw %DV
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Health Benefits of Potatoes & Carrots

  • A boiled potato provides more than half of the vitamin B-6 you need each day, as well as 30% of RDA of Thiamin and Niacin. It is also high in vitamin C, giving 1/2 of the RDA. It is good to keep the potato skin on during cooking. A peeled boiled potato loses half its vitamin content and provides only 25% of vitamin C.
  • Carrots boost eye health being rich in Lutein and Lycopene which help maintain good eyesight and night vision. They also aid weight loss with soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber also helps in bowel regularity and helps with digestion. The calcium present in carrots is easily assimilated by the body that may help lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels.

Spice & herb Powers

  • Mustard seeds: can reduce migraines due to their magnesium content.
  • Turmeric powder: Curcumin in turmeric helps treat arthritis by reducing joint inflammations.
  • Asafetida powder: may help reduce acne and bring a glow to the face.
  • Sambhar powder contains (coriander, fenugreek and cumin seeds, turmeric rhizome, black pepper, asafetida, and curry leaves) with anti-tumor properties; the spices help in bowel movement and prevent the development of dimethylhydrazine – a colon cancer forming compound, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer.
  • Ginger: 1.5 g can prevent symptoms of nausea especially seasickness, morning sickness, and chemotherapy-related ones.
  • Green chili: has vitamin K that helps decrease the risk for osteoporosis and of bleeding more when injured 1/2 cup serving contains 10.7 mcg 8.9 %RDA man &12% RDA woman.
  • Cilantro leaves: support vision;1/4 cup provides 270 IU of vitamin A needed for a healthy immune system, eyes, skin, and mucus membrane.

Method to make Mashed Potatoes (Podimaas)

  • Steam potatoes (unpeeled) in a pressure cooker. (10 min.)
  • Cool potatoes in cold water; drain and peel the skin off the potatoes.
  • Mash potatoes using a masher. Keep aside. (5 min.)
  • Peel and chop the onion and garlic; peel and grate carrots.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan; add seasoning materials.
  • When mustard seeds splutter, add spices, onions, and carrots.
  • Sauté until the onions turn translucent and carrots turn bright orange.
  • Add mashed potatoes; sauté until homogeneous. (5 min.)
  • Remove from heat; garnish with ginger paste, red chili powder. washed and chopped cilantro/ curry leaves.

Instant Mashed Potatoes (Podimaas)
 (Prep. time 7 min.)

  • Heat the oil and add seasoning materials as above. 
  • Add 11/2 cups hot water, salt, and spices. Allow boiling.
  • Add 2 cups of potato buds and keep stirring at reduced heat. 
  • Turn heat off, keep covered and allow to cool.
  • Garnish with ginger paste/ red chili powder, cilantro /curry leaves .

Serve Potato Masala with Dosas, Pooris, or as a sandwich filler.

Time Saver: Use Instant potato buds (IDAHOAN)or previously boiled potatoes
Use ginger and chili paste available in tubes
Grate raw carrots and sauté instead of cooking
Aalu = potato; Masala = mixed items

Baked Russet potato: GI 111 / GL 33 / 150g serving
Boiled white potato: GI 82 / GL 21 / 150g serving;
Instant mashed potato: GI 87 /GL 17 / 150g serving