Oregano is a flowering plant in the mint family with a scientific name “Origanum vulgare”. It is native to temperate western and S.W.Eurasia and the Mediterranean region. It can be eaten fresh, dried, or in the form of oil that adds extra life to the food. It makes many food preparations appealing such as Sourdough bread, Pizza, Pakora, Pasta, etc. It has a strong flavor and brings warmth to your food.
Pakoras, being piping hot and crisp are very popular as appetizers and enjoyed more as snacks on rainy and wintry days. Vegetables like cauliflower, eggplants, peppers, potatoes, onions, & cottage cheese ( paneer cubes) are used to make pakoras. In this recipe, they are dipped in chickpea flour or cornstarch batter with oregano and other spices & deep-fried in hot oil, to make crisp delicious fritters.

Growing Oregano is easy It can be grown from seeds, cuttings, or purchased as potted plants. It is an exceptional companion plant for garden vegetables especially pests that affect beans, broccoli, and tomatoes.

History: The word pakora is conceived from the Sanskrit word “pakavata” a combination of pakva (cooked) and Vata (lump). Most sources indicate that pakora originated in Gujarat in Western India. Gujaratis traditionally eat pakoras at tea time. In Punjabi households, rain showers are a typical excuse for chai & pakoras.
Oregano Pakoras were conceived by the chefs when finger food was very much in demand at the parties hosted in colonial days to feed the common folk who were vegetarians. Ajwain – carom seeds were a similar dry herb being used in the batter to make pakoras.

Oregano Recipes
Oregano Pakoras
Oregano Pizza
Oregano Parathas

Oregano Pretzels

Nutrition Facts of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) 100 g.

GI = low Gl = 0 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 265 cal. – 13 % Sodium 25mg – 1.5% Folates 237 mug – 59%
Carb. 68.92 g- 53% Potassium 1260mg – 27% Niacin 4.64mg – 29%
Protein 9g – 16% Calcium 1597mg – 160% Pantothenic acid 0.921 mg – 17%
Total Fat 4.28 g – 28% Copper 0.633mg – 70% Pyridoxine 1.044mg – 80%
Cholesterol 0 mg – 0% Iron 36.8mg – 460% Riboflavine 0.528 mg – 40%
Dietary Fiber 42.5g -112% Magnesium 270mg – 67.5% Thiamin 0.177mg -15%
Manganese 4.99mg – 203 % Vitamin A 1701 IU – 57%
Zinc 2.69mg – 24% Vitamin C 2.3mg – 4 %
Vitamin E 18.26mg – 121%
Vitamin K 621.7 mug – 518%
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Health Benefits of Oregano

  • Oregano acts as a natural painkiller, immune booster, and possesses antibiotic properties. It is highly potent against bacteria and has been found to be effective against the pathogenic effects of viruses and yeast as well.
  • Oregano’s antioxidant power(1g) is 42 times more antioxidants than apples, due to vitamin A & C content.
  • Oregano contains health benefiting essential oils such as Carvacrol, Thymol, Limonene, Pinene, Ocimene, and Caryophyllene. Its leaves and the flowering stem have antiseptic, anti carminative, cholagogues ( bile empties gall bladder collection of bile juice), diaphoretic (sweat production), expectorant, stimulant, and mildly tonic properties.
  • Oregano improves digestion being power-packed with fiber which adds bulk to our stool and stimulates the peristaltic motion, which moves food through the digestive tract and excretes it efficiently. Soluble fiber keeps sugar under control and insoluble fiber maintains the smooth functioning of the gastric system.
  • Oregano increases metabolism functionality by helping to oxygenate muscles and cells thus boosting energy.
  • Oregano improves bone health being rich in calcium, iron, and manganese; most crucial minerals for bone health.
  • Oregano helps manage type 1 diabetes by protecting from the development of hyperglycemia.

Spice Power

  • Red chili powder acts as natural pain relief, boosts immunity, improves cognitive functioning, inhibits cancer, contributes to red blood cell formation, reduces blood pressure, prevents cardiovascular disease, clears nasal congestion, maintains healthy eyes, helps prevent stomach ulcers, soothes intestinal disease, and promotes weight loss.
  • Carom (Ajwain) seeds work as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory that heal itching, boils, and eczema. Helps with weight loss without any harmful effects. Drinking ajwain water in the morning increases the metabolic rate and dissolves the subcutaneous fat in the body. Ajwain contains thymol which increases gastric juice and improves digestion.
  • Asafetida powder is a gummy extracted from the Ferula herb and consumed in minute quantities. It can help prevent stomach-related ailments like gas, bloating, worms, irritable bowel syndrome due to its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps ease symptoms of respiratory ailments like asthma and treat menstrual discomfort.
  • Chickpea flour is diabetes-friendly; it has a very low Glycemic index and does not affect the body’s blood sugar levels. it is gluten-free and has a high fiber content with a less overall caloric intake that also helps with weight loss.

Method to make Oregano Pakoras

  • Prepare vegetables as follows:
  • Cut the base and stem from cauliflower and into florets. Remove stem and slice the eggplant. Slice peppers and remove seeds. Peel and slice potatoes; place in a bowl of water. Peel and slice onion. (5 min)
  • Make a thick batter by mixing flour and spices with water. (2 min.)
  • Heat oil in a deep frying pan to smoking hot (350 F). (2 min.)
  • Dip about six cauliflower florets in the batter.
  • Drop gently in hot oil, using a ladle with holes.
  • Allow to fry, until the outer coating turns golden on all sides, (4 min.)
  • Take care to flip over the fritters for uniform browning.
  • Repeat frying the rest of the vegetables in batches of six by dipping them in the batter. (4 min.)
  • Drain excess oil on paper towels before serving.

Serve Oregano Pakoras with Cilantro or Mint Chutney or Tomato ketchup.

Instant pakoras: Defrost 1 packet of frozen cauliflower florets, pat dry with a paper towel, dip in chickpea flour batter to fry
Variation: To make Gobi Manchurian Substitute cornstarch for chickpea flour
Chinese prep: Dilute Manchurian sauce and serve with cornstarch batter fried fritters  
Oregano leaves can be stored placed in freezer bags and frozen
They can also be dried in a dark ventilated area and stored in plastic containers