Carrots when cooked, are more nutritious, but one can still get plenty of nutrients from raw carrots. Cooking, especially prolonged boiling, does reduce the vitamin content of vegetables. But carotenoids, such as the Beta carotene in carrots, are more readily available when vegetables are cooked or processed (such as chopped or puréed). Cooking and processing help release the carotenoids, which are bound to the cell wall “matrix” of the vegetables.
In this preparation, carrots are cubed, cooked, and sautéed in coconut oil and garnished with grated coconut and minced green chili. Carrot’s beautiful orange color is a magnetic attraction to any dining table. Carrot sauté is delicious and also increases consumption.

Buying & Storage: Carrots are available year-round. Cut off the green leaves as they absorb moisture from roots. Store carrots in a plastic bag in the refrigerator’s vegetable bin. Avoid storing carrots near apples which emit ethylene gas, giving them a bitter taste.

Story: Carrot Thoran is a popular new addition besides Jackfruit, to the usual 7 curries (Pachadi, thoran, kootu, curry, kalan, olan, aviyal) served for any feast – be it a birthday, Vishu (New year) or Onam( flower festival) in Kerala. Green chili is crushed with the coconut to counteract its sweetness.

Carrot Nutrition Facts (Daucus Carota)100g raw %DV

GI =39 ; GL = 3 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 41kcal (2%) Sodium 69mg 4.5% Folates 19 mcg (5%)
Carb 9.58g (7%) Potassium 320mg 6.5% Niacin 0.983 mg (6%)
Protein 0.93g (1.5%) Calcium 33mg (3%) Pantothenic acid 0.273 mg (5%)
Total Fat0.24g (1%) Copper 0.045mg (5%) Pyridoxine 0.138 mg (10%)
Cholesterol 0mg (0%) Iron 0.3mg (4%) Riboflavon 0.058 mg (4%)
Fiber 2.8g (7%) Magnesium 12mg (3%) Thiamin 0.066mg (6%)
Alpha Carotene 3427 mcg Manganese 0.143 mg (6%) Vitamin A 16706 IU (557%)
Beta Carotene 8285 mcg Phosphorous 35mg (5%) Vitamin C 5.9 mg (10%)
Lutein 256 mcg Selenium 0.1 mcg (<1%) Vitamin K 13.2 mcg (11%)
Zinc 0.24mg (2%) Total-ORAC value 666 mumol TE/100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Health Benefits of Carrots for pregnant mothers 

  • Carrots help in boosting pregnant mother’s immunity with Folate & vitamin B6. 
  • Calcium in carrots is good for the development of teeth and bones of the fetus. Moderate amounts of carrot consumption helps to maintain healthy cell membranes of the unborn baby’s skin, flesh, and muscles. 
  • Potassium present in carrots improves the mother’s heart condition since load on her heart increases during pregnancy.
  • Carrots also help to keep down blood sugar levels and reduce risk of gestational diabetes during pregnancy. 

Spice & Herb Powers

  • Turmeric powder dramatically increases the anti oxidant capacity of the body.
  • Black pepper powder helps with curcumin absorption when combined with turmeric powder.
  • Mustard seeds contain glucosinolates & mirosinase; act as phytochemicals to inhibit growth of cancer.
  • Fennel seeds are a rich source of dietary fiber,(100g – 39.8g fiber) improve digestive health and mouth freshener.
  • Green chili has 0 cal., aids weight loss, speeds up metabolism by 50% upto 3 hours after eating.
  • Curry leaves can reduce blood glucose levels effectively with their anti hyperglycemic properties.
  • Coconut helps prevent obesity by speeding up metabolism, provides an immediate source of energy with fewer calories than other fats.

Method to cook Carrot Sauté

  • Peel and cut carrots into cubes; rinse and drain.
  • Steam carrots in a steamer or cook in microwave.  (8 min.)
  • Heat oil in a frying pan; add mustard seeds, lentils, salt, and turmeric powder
  • Let the mustard seeds splutter and urad dal turn golden. 
  • Add steamed carrots and sauté until all the water evaporates.(2 min.)
  • Dry roast the fennel seeds in a skillet and powder in a grinder. (3 min.)
  • Add powdered fennel seeds to sautéed carrots.
  • Garnish with minced green chili, curry leaves and coconut.(2 min.)

Alternate direct heat. stir- fry method (10 min)

  • Heat oil in a frying pan; add mustard seeds, lentils, salt, and turmeric powder.
  • Let mustard seeds splutter and white urad lentils turn golden.
  • Add carrots, + 1/2 cup water; cover and cook.
  • Open the lid to stir carrots at 2-minute intervals, until soft.
  • Add roasted and powdered fennel seeds to sautéed carrots.
  • Garnish with minced green chili, curry leaves, and coconut.

Serve Gajar Thoran with Quinoa, Rice noodles or Chapatis.

Save Time: Sauté pre-cut or frozen carrots directly on the stove
Variation: Mix 1/2 a finely chopped onion with the coconut
Fennel seeds & powder aid digestion – available in Indian store
Fresh fennel powder: roast 1/4 cup fennel seeds, grind to a powder Thoran = garnished with coconut