Carrots (scientific name”Daucus Carota”)  are a good source of beta carotene, fiber, antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin K1. They are weight loss friendly vegetables and linked to reduced cholesterol levels and eye health improvement. 
Fresh carrots with their green stems on top are excellent for baking that brings out their sweetness. An oil rub of brown sugar salt, garlic powder, mild red chili powder or paprika, and herbs like rosemary or thyme mixed with some olive oil is applied on the carrots and baked for 15-20 min. or roasted for 30 minutes The sugar gives a glaze to the orange / purple carrots. Removing the green tops before storing will prevent them from wilting when storing carrots. Carrots release ethylene gas that speeds up the ripening process of other fruits like banana or mango when placed by their side.

Buying and Storage: While buying look for tender, fresh carrots with a firm texture. Avoid soft flabby roots with surface cuts or mold. Large roots can be an indication of over maturity indicating poor eating quality. Carrots with leaves attached are great for baking and the ones with medium size for juicing. Exposure to sunlight will produce greenish coloration on the top end due to photo pigmentation that can diminish its sweet taste. Twisted or forked varieties are also not recommended.
Prior to storing wash thoroughly to remove any dirt and insecticide; snip the top greens and store in the vegetable compartment. Carrots stay well for 1-2 weeks. Set refrigerator temperature level below 35 degrees F and high humidity to maintain freshness.

History of carrots: People probably cultivated carrots the carrots thousands of years ago in the area that is now AfghanistanThe original small, forked purple or yellow carrot had a bitter woody flavor and quite different from the current carrot grown..Farmers grew purple, yellow, and white carrots before the appearance of the crunchy, aromatic, orange carrot. Dutch growers may have developed this variety in the 16th century. 

Carrot Nutrition Facts (Daucus Carota)100g raw

GI =39 ; GL = 3 Minerals Vitamins
Energy 41kcal (2%) Sodium 69mg 4.5% Folates 19 mcg (5%)
Carb 9.58g (7%) Potassium 320mg 6.5% Niacin 0.983 mg (6%)
Protein 0.93g (1.5%) Calcium 33mg (3%) Pantothenic acid 0.273 mg (5%)
Total Fat0.24g (1%) Copper 0.045mg (5%) Pyridoxine 0.138 mg (10%)
Cholesterol 0mg (0%) Iron 0.3mg (4%) Riboflavon 0.058 mg (4%)
Fiber 2.8g (7%) Magnesium 12mg (3%) Thiamin 0.066mg (6%)
Alpha Carotene 3427 mcg Manganese 0.143 mg (6%) Vitamin A 16706 IU (557%)
Beta Carotene 8285 mcg Phosphorous 35mg (5%) Vitamin C 5.9 mg (10%)
Lutein 256 mcg Selenium 0.1 mcg (<1%) Vitamin K 13.2 mcg (11%)
Zinc 0.24mg (2%) Total-ORAC value 666 mumol TE/100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Health Benefits of Carrots

  • Help improve vision: Carrots contain the antioxidants Lutein and zeaxanthin which may help prevent macular degeneration. 
  • Protect from cancer: The antioxidant effects of dietary carotenoids yellow, orange, and red organic pigments present in carrots and other vegetables may reduce this risk. 1 medium carrot 61g contains 509mcg RAE of vitamin A. It also provides 5050 mcg of beta carotene and 2120 mcg of alpha-carotene – two pro-vitamins that get converted to more vitamin A. As per the dietary guidelines for Americans, women need 700mcg RAE, and men need 900 mcg RAE. A diet rich in beta carotene can protect from the risk of prostate cancer, lung cancer, and leukemia. Consuming more carotenoid-rich foods may lower the risk of colon cancer. 
  • Diabetes control: Carrots contain natural sugars and have a sweet flavor. Carbohydrates make up 10% of a carrot and 30% is fiber. 1 medium carrot provides 25 calories.; this makes carrot a low-calorie high fiber food that is relatively low in sugar. It scores low on the GI scale. Boiled carrots have a GI of 39 which means they are unlikely to trigger a blood sugar spike and safe for diabetics to eat. In a 2018 research, they found that a high fiber diet may help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. 
  • Blood pressure and cardiovascular health:The fiber and potassium (4 % RDA in 1 medium carrot) in carrots may help manage blood pressure. The AHA recommends people add less salt to foods like carrots that contain potassium which helps relax the blood vessels reducing the risk of high blood pressure. High fiber diet helps reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Immune function and healing: Carrots provide antioxidant vitamin C which contributes to collagen production and in immune cells which may help the body fight disease.
  • Bone Health: Carrots contain vitamin K and small amounts of calcium and phosphorous which contribute to bone health and may prevent osteoporosis. 

Spice Power

  • Sea salt: helps with hydration and maintain blood pressure
  • Red chili powder: fights fat, settle the stomach, builds immunity, helps with osteoarthritis being anti-inflammatory and sexual arousal with capsaicin which releases the feel-good endorphins. 
  • Paprika: associated with Hungarian culture with the national dish Hungarian Goulash ranges in flavor profile from mild and bright red to spicy, pungent, and pale orange Sweet Hungarian paprika is a mixture of sweet and spicy. Spanish paprika is made from smoked peppers giving it a deep and rich smoky flavor. It includes sweet smoky (dulce), mild or bitter smoky (agro dulce), and hot smoky (Picante ) flavors. Peppers the source of paprika have a high level of antioxidants that are able to fight oxidative stress. Parika has B6 vitamins a water-soluble one that can prevent or slow macular degeneration. 
  • Rosemary leaves are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds; improve digestion; enhance memory and concentration; prevent brain aging, cancer, neurological protection, and against macular degeneration. 
  • Thyme leaves: boost immunity; packed vitamin C to prevent the onset of cold and thyme oil or tea helps to stop coughing. thyme and ivy leaf combo alleviate cough; it also helps lower blood pressure. 

Method  to bake Carrot bake

  • Snip tops from the carrots and set aside.
  • Prepare Rub: Combine sugar, salt, spices, and herbs with the olive oil. 
  • Transfer to a ziplock bag; toss carrots in the rub or brush rub on carrots. 
  • Bake for 30 min. if roasting or 20 min. if baking.
  • (Optional process)
  • Remove from oven and pour white wine on carrots.
  • Place the green stems on top of carrots.
  • Bake 15-20 min. until most of the wine has evaporated. 
  • The carrots should be able to pierce easily with a fork when ready. 

Serve Carrot bake as a snack for children or mini meal with macaroni & cheese.

Variation: Baby carrots, Sweet potatoes or yam can be made in a similar manner