Guess Me!?!

 Plant me not as a seed 
but by my stem for propagation
I have a tender green trunk
I grow from a whole big red pod
with male and female parts in the same flower
to facilitate fertilization into thick skinned fruit
with baby seeds inside

I rhyme with fountain
if my skin is green
fry me into chips
if my skin is yellow
steam or saute me
I taste deliciously sweet !!!

Botanical name : Plantago major

Plantain Health Benefits

  • 100 g raw Plantain cal 89 Carb 22.8 g fiber 2.6g.
  • Plantain is a Good source of resistant starch and fiber.
  • Plantain is a rich source of potassium and Vitamin B-6.
  • Plantain can improve stamina in prolonged exercise – marathon
  • Plantain can help relieve constipation and diarrhea
  • Plantain may reduce risk of diabetes by aiding blood sugar control
  • Plantain may help lower blood cholesterol levels to prevent heart disease